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2 items: how do I...

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  • rah
    We've always shared them. No other way to decide if they will be considered cheats or not.

    I don't know if anyone has tried that one in SP. It might be possible if there are enough AI's in the game.

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  • Ben Kenobi

    If I'm not mistaken, that only works in Multiplayer.

    Nice that you guys share your 'exploits'.

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  • rah
    A non settler (or any unit) can also be made by rehoming a settler to a different city during the turn change. But most of us consider that a cheat.

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  • Mercator
    Originally posted by MikeLynch
    1) So the patch, combined with MapEdit, would allow me to create my own larger maps, to then be loaded into the game?
    If you just want random maps, you can do as before ( with the new game/customize world options) and you'll be able to create random gigamaps.

    You would only need MapEdit if you wanted to create custom gigamaps (or for other map editing needs).

    Well, even then... The gigamaps also load just fine in the map editor... So in principle you could create your custom maps by first starting a game on a random map of the same size; load the savegame in the map editor, and edit it.

    although I've noticed that the Disband City option never seems to come up in Chieftain mode, only Prince or higher.

    And Warlord.

    But then, everybody here but me plays on Deity level anyway...

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  • MikeLynch
    Thanks for the prompt and clear responses! I knew there was a reason I liked this Civ site best of all.

    I have MGE...
    1) So the patch, combined with MapEdit, would allow me to create my own larger maps, to then be loaded into the game? What about using the "Customize World" option? I like to be able to control the more vague settings of the world (age, moisture, etc.) but not know where everything is beforehand.

    2) So it's not so much proDUCing a NONE settler as conVERting a regular settler into a NONE settler. Since it still costs you a settler. Still, that is a neat trick -- although I've noticed that the Disband City option never seems to come up in Chieftain mode, only Prince or higher.

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  • Mercator
    Hi, welcome "back"! ... If you ever considered yourself "arrived" in the first place.

    1. The no-limits patch is only avalable for MGE and ToT (the two Civ2 versions wth multiplayer). If you have civ2 classic there is no such thing (and in that case maps can't get much larger anyway, up to 10,922)...

    In case you do have MGE/ToT, the no-limits patch does increase a few limits, but for the maps it only allows you to generate larger random maps (up to 32,767 squares rather than 10,000).

    If you want to create your own custom "oversized maps" or "gigamaps" you can use MapEdit.

    You don't need any sort of patch to load bigger maps, only to create them.

    2. Also... In very early versions of Civ2 (version 1.x) there was a bug that would cause later cities (after the 127th probably) to always produce NON units.

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  • Cyrion
    Or bribe a settler when the nearest city isn't one of yours!

    Of course, it's not really "producing" it...

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  • atawa
    1, yeah, the no-limits patch.

    2, Build a city and build a settler before it reaches size2. (Disband city)
    If its closer to your enemy's city then your own it will become a NONE

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  • MikeLynch
    started a topic 2 items: how do I...

    2 items: how do I...

    Hey gang, first-time poster, LOOOONG time player -- hoping some of you wise folks can answer a couple of questions I have.

    First, is there currently a patch (or some other method) that allows you to make a larger map than the original game limits? I find myself dissatisfied by the maximum possible size.

    Second, I read in one of those Viking Scribes things that it's possible to PRODUCE settlers with no home city, and therefore no food requirements. How is this done? The only NONE settlers I can ever seem to get is the extra one at the beginning of the game.