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July 1941: The retreat begins (Turn 2 Save Thread)

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  • July 1941: The retreat begins (Turn 2 Save Thread)

    following the German attack on the Soviet union, a realignment of allainces occurs.. The British, who have been fighting the germans since 1939 now find themselves allied with the Soviet Union. Churchill, though staunch anti-communist, declares: "If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil..." The Atlantic charter is signed to provide military aid from the UK to the soviet Union. Merchant vessels, loaded with heavy equipment, assemble near scotland and prepare to make the dangerous journey to Murmansk.

    Masses of panic-stricken civilains crowd the roads of western urkrain belorussia and lithuania, fleeing the german advance. some local population groups receive the germans as liberators, thinking themselves freed from stalin's tyranny, but the illusion is short lived... Simultaneously, the Soviet war government starts orchestrating the systematic relocation of people and machinery from western cities to the small towns in the ural mountain region, east of moscow, to prepare for a protracted war effort.

    tula builds barracks
    kaluga builds barracks
    maikop builds university
    disorder in UK
    baku builds university
    soviets discover propellants
    begin researching mobile warfare II
    grozny builds university

    airlift AA battery from moscow to minsk
    move artillerry, t-26 and mech infantry in bryansk north to near smolesnk
    I-16 from kallin moved to kaluga
    airlift AA battery to kiev from sverdlovsk

    Commanders: I am expecting orderly withdrawls from conflict with the germans and the preperation of defensive positions far to the rear. To that end, I am giving you more cities to command deeper in the rear so that you may prepare your defenses.

    Murmansk Front: UK and Archangel given over to you.
    Baltic Front: Tikhvin added
    Northwest Front: Kholm, Demyansk given to your authority
    Belarussian Front: Kaluga and Tula given to you along with the everything west of the fortifications outside of Moscow
    1st Ukranian Front: Bryansk, Kursk, Kharkov, Belgorovod, Serafomovich and Voronezh given to your command.
    2nd Ukranian Front: Stalino, Kotelinikovo, Voroshilovgrad, Krasnodar, Rostov, Stalingrad, Batum and Novorissiysk now fall under your control.

    The economic commissar is charged with the development of the cities of Tbilisi, Maikop, Baku, Grozny, and Stavropol. The armaments commissar is charged with supplying labor brigades to the area where the economic commissar will take control of them.

    Don't forget to be selling those city improvements, and husband those expensive units until the winter months when they will be more effective. We need more refugees being built as well, otherwise the urals will never be developed as well as we need them.

    Economic Minister: Is it a good idea to hold on to the money we make right now? The germans are taking our cities and capturing booty, let's not give them more than we have to
    Attached Files

  • #2
    list of cities under command by the generals is updated at the top of this thread:

    Right now I'm looking at Defending Perekop, Rostov, Stalingrad and Voronezh in the South, how does this sound to my Ukranian front commanders?


    • #3
      Belorussian front executing his orders!

      Taken the file
      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


      • #4
        Enemy's at my gates already!

        Any chance of the Gomel commander sending up the Howizer to Smoelnsk? If you do move it past the red army unit and then get the red army unit to pillage the road. If not pillage the road wiht the unit on the forest with 1/3 mv left.

        File logged in again for next player

        (don't take this one forgot 2 t-26 moves)
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Colwyn; April 4, 2003, 02:39.
        Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


        • #5
          Opps reposted forgot 2 moves

          Attached Files
          Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


          • #6
            Beginning my duties...back soon comrades!


            • #7
              Can people give accounts of combat and post screenshots, etc?


              • #8
                Originally posted by curtsibling
                Can people give accounts of combat and post screenshots, etc?
                yes. tell us of your battle with the German invader!


                • #9
                  My battle is with lazy workers!

                  Front Commanders! Heed the Marshall!
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Recommendation: Kirov - Rush light tank...
                    Recommendation: Perm - Rush heavy artillery...
                    Recommendation: Novy Port - Rush Red army...
                    Recommendation: build Airbases in Baku and Groznyy after Universities
                    Recommendation: Begin work on steel mill in Magnitogorsk...
                    Recommendation: Rush kollectiv in Petropavlovsk...
                    Recommendation: Rush barracks in Tobolsk...
                    Recommendation: Nizhniy-Tagil - Rush Red army...
                    Recommendation: Begin work on steel mill in Krasnovishersk after kollectiv...
                    Recommendation: Rush barracks in Stavropol...
                    Recommendation: Rush barracks in Krasnodar...
                    Permission: Airlift 1 Work brigade in Moscow to Caucus...(once airbases are complete)
                    Permission: Airlift 2 Work brigades in Leningrad to Caucus...(once airbases are complete)
                    Permission: Airlift 1 Work brigade in Leningrad to Urals...(once airbases are complete)

                    Fleeing Refugees in the Vogla region have been moved and saved by my heroic efforts,
                    they now reside in Rostov and Stalingrad...

                    Also more refugees were saved from the steel jaws of the nazi ogres,
                    and now await a place to be moved to...

                    I have decided to retain sewers, etc in areas that have high-growth potential.

                    Big cities with heavy production is what I desire...


                    • #11
                      Here is my save...

                      I cannot progress until a kind soul gives me access to the 1.4 MGE game files...
                      Attached Files


                      • #13
                        *pulls out typewriter*

                        *begins writing propaganda*


                        • #14
                          here it is

                          NKVD Saratov 166
                          vorozneh AA battery 261
                          Kursk T 34/76 261

                          I need some roads from Voroshilovgrad to serafimovich pillage and i WOULD love some of the units that are at Stalingrad to serafimovich

                          and I suggestion, is it a good idea to defend misnk the way we are defending it??
                          Attached Files
                          Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                          Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                          • #15
                            I am going to move more refugees to the rear areas...

                            Stand by!

