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September 1942: Stalemate in the Ukraine

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  • September 1942: Stalemate in the Ukraine

    cossack cav outside narvik destroyed
    warsaw loses KV-1 to bomber
    kotelnikvo is being hard hit, we might lose it
    whew! we didn't lose it, only 9 units lost
    soviet armament industry upgrades all t-34/76 to t34/85
    soviets discover mobile warfare III
    begin advanced flight IV
    ufa builds grain elevator
    magnitogorsk builds barracks
    vologda builds steel mill
    krasnovishersk builds steel mill
    production of t34/76's upgraded to t34/85s in many cities
    vorkuta builds naval convoy system
    yaroslavl builds steel mill
    nizhniy-tagil builds barracks
    shevchenko builds grain elevator
    yarensk builds grain elevator
    orensburg builds steel mill
    kirov builds grain elevator
    maikop builds air force base
    petropavalsk builds steel mill
    chelyabinsk builds waterworks
    perm builds air force base
    brest litovsk builds barracks
    smolensk builds barracks
    kalinin builds barracks
    minks requires sewer system
    baku builds kollektiv farm

    Please run by me any planned airlifts before they occur, I need to play air traffic cop since there are multiple possible uses of many cities' airports

    Turn Status
    Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
    Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Not yet
    Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not yet
    NorthWest Front (The Anzac) Not yet
    Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Not yet
    1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Not yet
    2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Not yet
    Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Not yet
    NKVD check: (Iron Chancellor) Not yet
    Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Not yet

    Question: Who do you think should get the Katyusha in Gorkiy? I can airlift it anywhere as well as give it to either the Belorussian or Northwest front commanders. In fact I would probably end up airlifting it to the belorussian front it's so far away!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    My request: airlift ammo truck (freight) from Murmansk to Grozniy.
    Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


    • #3
      Kayusha to Nikov please!
      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


      • #4
        I could use a Kat lifted into Kalinin taking file
        Last edited by The ANZAC; June 19, 2003, 19:36.
        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


        • #5
          I'll go after you anzac, waiting ..... eta??
          Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


          • #6
            done Unfortunately the engineers were 2 spaces too far away Next turn the offensive will start; preparations have been made, fortress east of Riga has been occupied.
            Attached Files
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • #7
              Originally posted by The ANZAC
              fortress east of Riga has been occupied.
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • #8
                Turn Status
                Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
                Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Not yet
                Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not yet
                NorthWest Front (The Anzac) Done
                Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Not yet
                1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Not yet
                2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Not yet
                Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Not yet
                NKVD check: (Iron Chancellor) Not yet
                Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Not yet
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #9
                  Taking the file
                  Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                  • #10
                    Turn Played

                    Turn Status
                    Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
                    Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Not yet
                    Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not yet
                    NorthWest Front (The Anzac) Done
                    Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Done
                    1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Not yet
                    2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Not yet
                    Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Not yet
                    NKVD check: (Iron Chancellor) Not yet
                    Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Not yet

                    Lodz, Vilnius and Kiev taken!
                    Biastok --> Vilnius road cleared of 30 german divisions

                    See Belorussian thread for details!
                    Attached Files
                    Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                    • #12
                      Reminder for front commanders: dont forget to post screenshots and after-action reports in your individual threads after you post your save. The public must stay informed!
                      Sea Kings TOT

                      Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                      Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                      • #13
                        somewhat strange problem

                        Shaka can't post right now for some reason, so here's his save file.

                        Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
                        Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Not yet
                        Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not yet
                        NorthWest Front (The Anzac) Done
                        Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Done
                        1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Done
                        2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Not yet
                        Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Not yet
                        NKVD check: (Iron Chancellor) Not yet
                        Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Not yet
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by H Tower; June 22, 2003, 23:21.


                        • #14
                          Signing out the save.
                          Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


                          • #15
                            And here is the file.

                            Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
                            Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Done
                            Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not yet
                            NorthWest Front (The Anzac) Not Yet
                            Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Done
                            1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Done
                            2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Not yet
                            Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Not yet
                            NKVD check: (Iron Chancellor) Not yet
                            Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Not yet
                            Attached Files
                            Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.

