END OF LAST TURN: airlifted siberians into both leningrad and stalingrad
kotelnikovo falls 1,000 rubles plundered
freighter and 2 destroyers sunk by german submarines and destroyers near UK
organised Partisan Activity intensifies throughout the occupied regions of the soviet union. The Red Army sends instructors behind enemy lines to organize these groups into real fighting units.
13 units lost
orsk builds kollektiv farm
Soviet Researchers discover the secret of GOELRO agency
airlifted a Siberian trooper into leningrad, airlift into stalingrad shot down
Sturmikov from moscow flies to voronezh, sturmikov newly built in gorkiyy flies towards kalinin and has several movement points left.
Other reinforcements moved into place near the rear of each front, make sure you check for them!
Marshal part 1 (H Tower) Done
Murmansk (Yop73): (not yet)
Baltic (Henrik) : (not yet)
Northwest (The ANZAC): (not yet)
Belorussian (Colwyn): (not yet)
1st Ukranian (Shaka Naldur): (not yet)
2nd Ukranian (FiGu): (not yet)
Armaments (Greeny): (not yet)
Economic (EZRhino): (not yet)
Marshal part2 (H Tower) Not yet
EDIT: please check the STAVKA thread before playing your turn for changes made.
kotelnikovo falls 1,000 rubles plundered
freighter and 2 destroyers sunk by german submarines and destroyers near UK

organised Partisan Activity intensifies throughout the occupied regions of the soviet union. The Red Army sends instructors behind enemy lines to organize these groups into real fighting units.
13 units lost
orsk builds kollektiv farm
Soviet Researchers discover the secret of GOELRO agency
airlifted a Siberian trooper into leningrad, airlift into stalingrad shot down

Sturmikov from moscow flies to voronezh, sturmikov newly built in gorkiyy flies towards kalinin and has several movement points left.
Other reinforcements moved into place near the rear of each front, make sure you check for them!
Marshal part 1 (H Tower) Done
Murmansk (Yop73): (not yet)
Baltic (Henrik) : (not yet)
Northwest (The ANZAC): (not yet)
Belorussian (Colwyn): (not yet)
1st Ukranian (Shaka Naldur): (not yet)
2nd Ukranian (FiGu): (not yet)
Armaments (Greeny): (not yet)
Economic (EZRhino): (not yet)
Marshal part2 (H Tower) Not yet
EDIT: please check the STAVKA thread before playing your turn for changes made.