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2nd Ukrainian Front HQ

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  • #16
    Paul please, send me the La-5 from Saratov that it's at Stalingrad to Serafimovich please
    Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
    Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


    • #17
      The first German unit to cross the Don, that we know of
      Attached Files


      • #18
        What, Germans crossing the Don! Comrade Marshal, we MUST stop them AT the Don, not behind it. We must have a forward defence, for we can no longer trade land for time. This is our last line of defence. If they cross the Don, are forces will be cut in two, and scattered around the country. Kill those Nazi pigs immediately, we will not tolerate them in our backyard!

        For the Rodina and the Party!
        Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


        • #19
          smash the red army in Stalingrad against him, we'll have partisans for every red army killed
          Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
          Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


          • #20
            Forward comrade

            Don't wait for the facists to r*&t you up the arse, pre emptive strikes now.,

            How are you going to get to berlin sheltering in your cities!
            Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


            • #21
              I stopped some Hummels and some German infantry divisions, with low casaulties!
              Attached Files
              Last edited by FiGu; May 24, 2003, 04:16.
              "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

              Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
              Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


              • #22
                I think we should begin contruction of more minefields at the crossings of the Don and around Stalingrad and Rostov.

                Conmcb, what is the status of the road contruction projects in the Caucasian oil fields?
                Sea Kings TOT

                Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by EZRhino
                  Conmcb, what is the status of the road contruction projects in the Caucasian oil fields?
                  Done in Baku, and Grozny about 50%.

                  Maikop I think is almost done as well.

                  There were two labor brigades in Stalingrad that I put to work popping Industry at Ashkatran. The front commander didn't say he wanted them and for what reason so I took them..................................
                  *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                  • #24
                    Did you throw the red armies in Stalingrad against the SS trooper, FiGu?
                    Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


                    • #25
                      yes he did

                      Originally posted by yop73
                      Did you throw the red armies in Stalingrad against the SS trooper, FiGu?
                      Their deaths inspired relatives and country men in the belorussian front to take up arms and become partisans!
                      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                      • #26
                        I destroyed some german infantry outside Perekop with 1 cruiser, with another cruiser i destroyed a Hummel.

                        Outside Rostov did i destroy 2 German infantry divisions and 1 Panzer4.
                        2 Kv-1 and 2 Naval Infantry arrived to Rostov.

                        Im going to build a new city at the river of Don to boost the defense there. (68,124)
                        Attached Files
                        "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                        Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                        Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                        • #27
                          Why do you fortify units outside Rostov? They will be better protected inside the city, with the tank defenses and AA (in the summer)
                          Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


                          • #28
                            Actually, Thoose units attacked the German Units outside the city...
                            "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                            Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                            Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                            • #29
                              But one is fortified and thus had some movementpoints left. I'm not criticising your decisions, only aking for a reason.
                              Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


                              • #30
                                i put it there so i could see if the germans moved against Rostov, like a scout.

                                It's just a old tactic, you might say
                                "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                                Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                                Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal

