Originally posted by greeny
Some good points have been made here, long term it looks like Gorkiy would produce the best benifit, especialy once it's road net is improved. STYOM makes a good point that roads in the Caucuses will produce bigger trade revenues and that has to be a priority. Gorkiy is currently building an armaments factory which will be finished in 4 turns so I think Civilan DOnations should be built after that. Meanwhile I think we should consider starting building it in a resonably high production city like Sverdlovsk or Astrakhan and then switch to a better wonder once they become avaliable so they can be finished quickly and free up our highest production cities (Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad) which will likely be on the front lines or close to then, for troop production.
Some good points have been made here, long term it looks like Gorkiy would produce the best benifit, especialy once it's road net is improved. STYOM makes a good point that roads in the Caucuses will produce bigger trade revenues and that has to be a priority. Gorkiy is currently building an armaments factory which will be finished in 4 turns so I think Civilan DOnations should be built after that. Meanwhile I think we should consider starting building it in a resonably high production city like Sverdlovsk or Astrakhan and then switch to a better wonder once they become avaliable so they can be finished quickly and free up our highest production cities (Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad) which will likely be on the front lines or close to then, for troop production.
Sound good Ecomics Minister?