2 T-34s sent to the Gaza Front, ended turn in El Arish
1 Palmach sent to South East Front, ended turn outside of Hebron
1 Palmach sent to Central Front, ended turn in nazareth
1 WW2 artillery sent towards Northern Front/Central Front. I am undecided as to who should receive artillery. Perhaps both commanders could argue why they need it more than the other?
Sirians develop Industrialization
sirian Avia kills kibutz in mishmar yarden. (Where was AA gun?)
Revatim destroyed by fanatic
kibutz killed outside beersheba by egyptian Avia
Al Kushniah builds city walls
Tantura builds zion worker assigned to Gaza Front
2 T-34s sent to the Gaza Front, ended turn in El Arish
1 Palmach sent to South East Front, ended turn outside of Hebron
1 Palmach sent to Central Front, ended turn in nazareth
1 WW2 artillery sent towards Northern Front/Central Front. I am undecided as to who should receive artillery. Perhaps both commanders could argue why they need it more than the other?
Sirians develop Industrialization
sirian Avia kills kibutz in mishmar yarden. (Where was AA gun?)
Revatim destroyed by fanatic
kibutz killed outside beersheba by egyptian Avia
Al Kushniah builds city walls
Tantura builds zion worker assigned to Gaza Front