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Election discussion thread

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  • #61
    The president was kidnapped by priests of Judas and had no chance to vote. He would like to thank all other members of the knesset for not paying any sort of ransom

    I see the point that other people don't think of its being fair to allow me to vote afterwards, but on the other hand, I had no chance of voting because I wasn't there. Considering how slow-moving this game is otherwise, I thought three days wouldn't matter.

    In any case, I received no PM votes.
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #62
      Ok, since I'm still in charge of One Israel for a while longer, here is the parties and Goverment's policy.

      Officially, it's 4 seats for One Israel, and legally, we are entitled to 4 seats. But as has been suggested on the thread, perhaps One Israel doesn't really want 4 seats. Three will do, with me, Conmcb25, and Arthedain taking them. We will cede our 4th seat to the whim's of Harmony, they can select whoever they want.

      Would the parties please post who will be taking their seats, since I am now somewhat confused.

      Oh, and Stefan, can you look at the Precedent Conmcb25 set about Presidential term length? I think the knesset needs to vote on a new President as well, but the thread has traditionally been handled by the current President, not the PM. I also believe you are allowed to run for reelection, someone correct me if I am wrong.

      The turn thread will continue soon, hopefully when my candidate for COS gets back to me via PM.
      David Disraeli
      Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


      • #63
        Traitor! No concessions to the hippies!


        • #64
          The new Chief of Staff is General Htower, relative of the ignomonius former leader of Harmony. If only all of Harmony could learn from this. (sorry if I forgot your Israeli name).

          He shall have rather big shoes to fill, and failure is not an option.
          David Disraeli
          Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


          • #65
            Originally posted by Stefan Härtel
            Considering how slow-moving this game is otherwise, I thought three days wouldn't matter.
            Elections were a week long, you even posted during that week.

