Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Ideas are two of the most cherished beliefs in other countries, we will also cherish those ideas here.
-No death threats, explicit or implied are allowed.
-The rules are subject to change at anytime, if you don't like the rules, you have the right not to post.
-Insults are to be good natured only, simply jokes
-Posters wanting to debate but not have jokes of have that right. If you say, "Don't make any jokes about me" Other posters will refrain from doing so.
-Violaters of the rules will be punished.
-By posting you agree to the aformentioned rules
-No death threats, explicit or implied are allowed.
-The rules are subject to change at anytime, if you don't like the rules, you have the right not to post.
-Insults are to be good natured only, simply jokes
-Posters wanting to debate but not have jokes of have that right. If you say, "Don't make any jokes about me" Other posters will refrain from doing so.
-Violaters of the rules will be punished.
-By posting you agree to the aformentioned rules