Change production and rush various items as per city planner's report
Cure for Cancer started in Pamplona; freight delivered to speed construction
Oil from Saragossa arrives in Valencia; revenue: 182
Gems from Leon arrive in Avila; revenue: 300
The railroad connecting High Tower to Freeport is completed!
City of Guu founded midway between High Tower and Panama Canal
Japanese destroyer sunk off St. Praski
Unnamed Mongol city bribed for 327 gold; we get fundamentalism, 5 cavalry, an engineer, a transport, and an alpine troop. City officially renamed to Chii.
Units rehomed to other cities.
Cannon outside Cartenna destroyed
Chinese get medicine
Japanese get medicine from china
Chinese destroyer killed attacking freeport; other ships retreat
Cure for Cancer built in Pamplona! Citizens everywhere celebrate.
Fighter destroys Carthaginian cavalry and cannon
Vikings get university, theology, espionage from carthage
Carthage gets combustion, corporation, electricity, literacy
from vikings
As word of the Cure for Cancer spreads, more cities begin celebrations
Population exceeds 17 million
Gold from Cordoba arrives in Naples; revenue: 172
Celts develop flight
Mongols get flight from Celts
Japanese develop amph. warfare
Rocketry discovered! Work begins on Mobile Warfare (other choices were recycling or guerilla warfare)
Population exceeds 18 million
Mongol transport destroyed (7 units lost)
Wines from CAPITOL arrive in Leptis Parva; revenue: 405
Mongols get steel from Celts
Celts get theology from Vikes
Vikes get refining from Celts
Japanese get guerilla warfare from china
China gets amph. warfare from japan
Not much of note happens during our moves.
Chinese develop chemistry
Japanese get chem from china
Peasant revolt near salamanca!
2 Japanese destroyers attack transport & escort. 4 freights lost.
Mobile Warfare discovered! Research begins on Space Flight
Population exceeds 19 million
Gold from Capitol arrives in Kerman; revenue: 440
Cloth from Valencia arrives in Kazan; revenue: 265
Cloth from Whereitsat arrives in Nepal; revenue: 317
Temporary peace signed with China
Mongols get espionage, theology from vikings
Vikings get steel, economics from mongols
Carghage gets steel from vikings
Numerous cities build superhighways
Space Flight discovered! Research starts on Nuclear fission
So that's where we're at! Plenty of research and trade going on. Screenshots to follow.
Change production and rush various items as per city planner's report
Cure for Cancer started in Pamplona; freight delivered to speed construction
Oil from Saragossa arrives in Valencia; revenue: 182
Gems from Leon arrive in Avila; revenue: 300
The railroad connecting High Tower to Freeport is completed!
City of Guu founded midway between High Tower and Panama Canal
Japanese destroyer sunk off St. Praski
Unnamed Mongol city bribed for 327 gold; we get fundamentalism, 5 cavalry, an engineer, a transport, and an alpine troop. City officially renamed to Chii.
Units rehomed to other cities.
Cannon outside Cartenna destroyed
Chinese get medicine
Japanese get medicine from china
Chinese destroyer killed attacking freeport; other ships retreat
Cure for Cancer built in Pamplona! Citizens everywhere celebrate.

Fighter destroys Carthaginian cavalry and cannon
Vikings get university, theology, espionage from carthage
Carthage gets combustion, corporation, electricity, literacy

As word of the Cure for Cancer spreads, more cities begin celebrations
Population exceeds 17 million
Gold from Cordoba arrives in Naples; revenue: 172
Celts develop flight
Mongols get flight from Celts
Japanese develop amph. warfare
Rocketry discovered! Work begins on Mobile Warfare (other choices were recycling or guerilla warfare)
Population exceeds 18 million
Mongol transport destroyed (7 units lost)

Wines from CAPITOL arrive in Leptis Parva; revenue: 405
Mongols get steel from Celts
Celts get theology from Vikes
Vikes get refining from Celts
Japanese get guerilla warfare from china
China gets amph. warfare from japan
Not much of note happens during our moves.
Chinese develop chemistry
Japanese get chem from china
Peasant revolt near salamanca!
2 Japanese destroyers attack transport & escort. 4 freights lost.

Mobile Warfare discovered! Research begins on Space Flight

Population exceeds 19 million
Gold from Capitol arrives in Kerman; revenue: 440
Cloth from Valencia arrives in Kazan; revenue: 265
Cloth from Whereitsat arrives in Nepal; revenue: 317
Temporary peace signed with China
Mongols get espionage, theology from vikings
Vikings get steel, economics from mongols
Carghage gets steel from vikings
Numerous cities build superhighways
Space Flight discovered! Research starts on Nuclear fission
So that's where we're at! Plenty of research and trade going on. Screenshots to follow.