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City planners report

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  • City planners report

    this is the report emailed to our great president hydey.

    Capitol: Fin University Then lets get either aqueduct or build caravans (Mr. Pres discretion)

    Codoba: Fin Library go for harbor next

    Freeport: Change from warrior production to van or diplo.

    Granada: Finish diplo for exploration, Begin Library

    Leon: Build library, when the city pops please see that we make use of the minned grapes

    Malanga: Finish Harbor and lets build a market to ease the unhappyness.

    Obladi: Finish Vans and begin library

    Pamplona: Build a Van to carry those gems , Have the setler build a road in his current square, and move the worker stationed on the grassland to the IRRIGATED grassland.

    Panama canal: Fin Musketeer and begin on a second for defense.

    Salamanca: Fin Bans Start building Library

    Santander: Fin Van(copper )build a market

    Saragossa: have settler irrigate the Special for a boost in food production. Then build more roads we should build a library in the city.

    Seville: Finish Vans and begin Library. we need more roads and irrigation here sir

    ST Praski: Finish Vans for that silver and build a market

    Valencia: Finish van for the attempt at unlimited hides Build library

    Valladolid: Finish Library and build harbor

    Vigo: Finish diplo and build market then harbor

    Whale island: finish musketeer (rush if trade minister agrees) begin caravan produtiction.

    Avila: Finish Van and build Library

    Barcelona: Finish library and begin Harbor

    bilbao: Build a market and try to irrigate the lands surrounding teh city.

    Cadiz Finish dip and begin library. When population increases in the next couple turns, switch the forrest worker to the grassland with shield and a road, the new worker should be on teh grass+shield+irrigate+road. This gives same shield production but 4 extra trade arrows.
    Wizards sixth rule:
    "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
    Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.

  • #2
    we left freeport as the only city building warriors before getting gunpowder? so much for getting cheap units


    • #3
      Originally posted by H Tower
      we left freeport as the only city building warriors before getting gunpowder? so much for getting cheap units
      Doesnt realy matter. As it seems there is only a minority of the people who want Sheakespeare's theatre.

      This means we'll have to get NON units anyway if we want an expidition force.

      Freeport is also quite isolated, what would we do with all the units?

      Good decision imo


      • #4
        Originally posted by H Tower
        we left freeport as the only city building warriors before getting gunpowder? so much for getting cheap units
        Acctually no we had several cities that were building warriors and finished, then upgraded to musketeers. However for some reason they do not offer the warrior option any longer and freeport does (maybe becouse it was nearly finished?) We have one warrior upgraded allready there and just finished one to be upgraded next turn, prob the game will "update production orders" next turn any way to musketeer. The timing was really very good on this.
        Wizards sixth rule:
        "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
        Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


        • #5
          i meant that we should have left a city on our main island producing warriors so that we could have cheap musketeers


          • #6
            I see now............You have a valid point and I thought it may come up. To tell the truth it was a hard decision but in the end i opted for the change becouse of the "update production orders" thingy being (i thought) close at had as other cities had allready acomplished this.

            The city its self is only producing one shield and one food with about 15 food before an increase in size, and at size one it will not celebrate, so the decision was to save a shield for production and make due with a musketeer, a warrior that will upgrade to a musketeer and a diplo to bribe barbarian units.
            Wizards sixth rule:
            "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
            Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


            • #7
              Here is a screen shot for your viewing.
              Attached Files
              Wizards sixth rule:
              "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
              Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


              • #8
                Whale Island is still producing Warriors. We'll have to watch it and see what happens (for our future knowledge). My guess is that it will "upgrade to Musketeers" on its own sometime soon. Even if it doesn't, we'll have to stop building units there soon because it will run out of shield support.

                Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


                • #9
                  i agree that freeport with you that freeport is a terrible town to be doing the warrior->muskteer bit. but if we prepared for the the switch to musketeers earlier before leo's that's ok then


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cavebear
                    Whale Island is still producing Warriors. We'll have to watch it and see what happens (for our future knowledge). My guess is that it will "upgrade to Musketeers" on its own sometime soon.
                    Only if we invent Feud, test it sometimes its one of the bugs that they didnt fix in the last patch.

