It was rather an administrative session of exploring, building Caravans and bringing them toward CAPITOL, directing Settlers to build roads and irrigation, and getting Diplomats toward pickup points… But there is good news at the end! 
860 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
880 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
900 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans. Discovered Barb city of Utica.
920 - Carth govt overthrown. Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.

940 - Carth becomes Republic. CAPITOL goes into disorder. (I don't understand that, as I had foreseen it and set the Workers to zero population growth. Instead, it showed up this turn with +1 food. There was no terrain improvement underway, either).
Anyway, made one Worker a Scientist there to solve the disorder.
960 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans. CAPITOL returns to happiness.
980 - Discovered Japanese city of Rusicade. Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
1000 - Discovered Japanese city of Nagoya. Discovered PHILOSOPHY, get MONOTHEISM, researching Construction to move toward Gunpowder.
Established Embassy with Chinese.
Silk Caravan to Canton gains us 228 gold and gets us 1/3 of the way to Construction.
The Chinese are high in technology and offer excellent trade. More Caravans are on the way to their cities. 

CAPITOL is building Mike's now, and there a 3 Caravans waiting at the gates and several more close. We should be able to complete Mike's in just a few turns. None of the 3 civs we know of have Monotheism, and the Powergraph shows the undiscovered Civs at about their same level. After that, it will be into Republic and on to Leo's!

860 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
880 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
900 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans. Discovered Barb city of Utica.

920 - Carth govt overthrown. Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.

940 - Carth becomes Republic. CAPITOL goes into disorder. (I don't understand that, as I had foreseen it and set the Workers to zero population growth. Instead, it showed up this turn with +1 food. There was no terrain improvement underway, either).

960 - Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans. CAPITOL returns to happiness.

980 - Discovered Japanese city of Rusicade. Explored, Caravans heading toward trade sites, Diplomats heading toward pickup points, completing Temples and more Caravans.
1000 - Discovered Japanese city of Nagoya. Discovered PHILOSOPHY, get MONOTHEISM, researching Construction to move toward Gunpowder.

CAPITOL is building Mike's now, and there a 3 Caravans waiting at the gates and several more close. We should be able to complete Mike's in just a few turns. None of the 3 civs we know of have Monotheism, and the Powergraph shows the undiscovered Civs at about their same level. After that, it will be into Republic and on to Leo's!
