My fellow Citizens -
I speak to you in disappointment and dismay. I speak in sadness and anger. I speak of betrayal and failure.

Our former President left us with a hollow shell of an empire, poised on civil disorder and bankruptcy, and set up for failure. I say that with a heavy heart, for whatever former President Hydey thinks of me for running against him for President, I respect him and like him.
Upon taking up the reins of Government, I discovered numerous problems, most of which could *not* be corrected immediately, and yet should have been obvious to the former President in his last few turns of play. Cities of 2-3 population, with only one Military, were building Caravans instead of Temples. or additional Military. Many Caravans had been traded with other of our own cities that produce (to this day) 0 trade. Cities fell into Civil Disorder immediately upon starting my first turn.
The first few years were very difficult. Mayors were chased from several cities by howling starving and unhappy Citizens. Many cities were committed to Caravans 2/3 complete (so prohibitively expensive to convert) when they had neither Temples nor Units to keep them happy.
There were dark days at first, and the land was overrun by a plague of hornets before painful corrections were made over the course of several turns.
And I have to say something that will not gain me approval or favor from certain Ministers. I was not advised of these impending problems in any of the reports I received. I accept much of the blame personally; I *should* have examined the "State of New Apolytonia" myself, in detail, more carefully before beginning my administration. I will not make that mistake again, however. I will be meeting with the Cabinet to assure that the important details are attended to in the future.
Still, there is good news. The problems have been (or are nearly) corrected. Some exploratory units were called back to cities where required to quell disorder, a jackpot in gold from trade helped to solve some other awkward situations. We are well into recovery. We will not only survive but we will thrive. From a difficult start, we will solidify our position, expand our trade frontiers, and succeed of all other Civs.
The details of the years from 680 to 840 AD will follow immediately.
I speak to you in disappointment and dismay. I speak in sadness and anger. I speak of betrayal and failure.

Our former President left us with a hollow shell of an empire, poised on civil disorder and bankruptcy, and set up for failure. I say that with a heavy heart, for whatever former President Hydey thinks of me for running against him for President, I respect him and like him.
Upon taking up the reins of Government, I discovered numerous problems, most of which could *not* be corrected immediately, and yet should have been obvious to the former President in his last few turns of play. Cities of 2-3 population, with only one Military, were building Caravans instead of Temples. or additional Military. Many Caravans had been traded with other of our own cities that produce (to this day) 0 trade. Cities fell into Civil Disorder immediately upon starting my first turn.
The first few years were very difficult. Mayors were chased from several cities by howling starving and unhappy Citizens. Many cities were committed to Caravans 2/3 complete (so prohibitively expensive to convert) when they had neither Temples nor Units to keep them happy.
There were dark days at first, and the land was overrun by a plague of hornets before painful corrections were made over the course of several turns.
And I have to say something that will not gain me approval or favor from certain Ministers. I was not advised of these impending problems in any of the reports I received. I accept much of the blame personally; I *should* have examined the "State of New Apolytonia" myself, in detail, more carefully before beginning my administration. I will not make that mistake again, however. I will be meeting with the Cabinet to assure that the important details are attended to in the future.
Still, there is good news. The problems have been (or are nearly) corrected. Some exploratory units were called back to cities where required to quell disorder, a jackpot in gold from trade helped to solve some other awkward situations. We are well into recovery. We will not only survive but we will thrive. From a difficult start, we will solidify our position, expand our trade frontiers, and succeed of all other Civs.
The details of the years from 680 to 840 AD will follow immediately.