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Presidential election promises for september

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  • Presidential election promises for september

    It appears that we are going to have a presidential election between myself (Hydey) and ixnay37. I have started this thread so that we may announce our promises and what we stand for .

    I promise that if I am elected I shall use my experience (3 time foreign minister) from our first game to lead our civ out of its current position. I will listen to the ministers and follow the peoples wishes from the polls.
    i will endeaver to spead up the game by send the savegame to the ministers as soon as I finish playing a session and ask the ministers to poll quickly and have 2 day polls, I feel we could and should have 6-8 sessions in the month of september.

    As for how I see the game going under my leadership, I would push for exploration , finding new lands and new civilizations. I would like to see many new cities built making use of the many special rescourses that are available to us.

    I would push for greater scientific discoveries leading to better government and then trade to improve our financial and scientific resources.

    I believe in government by the people , for the people so lets play as a team and do it my way
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

    Hydey the no-limits man.

  • #2
    Well, if elected I will use my experience (2 term science minister, 1 term city planner) to bring our civ back up to speed. I pledge to run the game efficiently and make sure that all ministers are up to date and helping to improve our civ. I will make a push for greater expansion and discovery of other civs (so our foreign minister won't be so bored). With the help of my ministers, by the end of next month our cities will be working at maximum efficiency, our borders will be expanding, and we will be well on our way to the top.

    A vote for me is a vote for progress.


    • #3
      tough contest we've had in a while...

      leaning towards ixnay


      • #4
        Only presidential campaign promises?


        • #5
          there's no real need for any others yet, as there's no other contests...

          i somehow don't see the point in campaigning against the banana


          • #6
            My Presidential election promises for September is.............. I WILL NOT RUN! And I think everone will like.
            Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321


            • #7
              ixnay, Hydey: How many turns will you plan on playing at a time? WHat things could modify this (other countries declaring war, new big continent discovered, etc) and how would they?


              • #8
                Originally posted by 123john321
                My Presidential election promises for September is.............. I WILL NOT RUN! And I think everone will like.

                you should run for a ministers spot, though
                the experience might do you some good
                i'll vote for you...(long as you don't run against me )
                we need a few more contests


                • #9
                  civman2000: Good question. I'd plan on playing 10-15 turns at a time, stopping in the middle if necessary. If I need help on a small decision that wasn't clarified during polls, I'll pause and consult with the relevent minister(s), so we'll always know what we are doing. For now, if we discover other civs, important techs (monarchy, map making), more land, or any other major events, I'll stop the game for polls and discussion.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by civman2000
                    ixnay, Hydey: How many turns will you plan on playing at a time? WHat things could modify this (other countries declaring war, new big continent discovered, etc) and how would they?
                    I would think 10 -12 gameturns at the most but if something unexpected happened i would stop the game and ask for directions . I would use my common sence just as I expect Ixnay would do the same.

                    I would rather play 8 sessions of 10 turns in the month with many people involved in the decision making via the polls , rather than 4 sessions of 20 turns with long breaks in between with people becoming bored with the game.
                    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                    Hydey the no-limits man.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Darkness' Edge
                      tough contest we've had in a while...

                      leaning towards ixnay

                      hydey orders a larger brown paper bag to be sent to Darkness' Edge.

                      that should help
                      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                      Hydey the no-limits man.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hydey

                        hydey orders a larger brown paper bag to be sent to Darkness' Edge.

                        that should help

                        to make a comparison to our own country's politics
                        at the moment, you sound a little too much like aden ridgway

                        ixnay is much more brian greig


                        • #13
                          I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'll take it as a compliment.


                          • #14
                            hydey's currently got my vote


                            • #15
                              will either of you post turn by turn descriptions of what happened during the game?

