Okay, this has been tossed about in other threads. BUT - I hereby open the talks for the next session of our democratic civving.
Ideas abound, here are some of what we need to decide upon:
1) Essentials
. . . a) game version
. . . b) map settings
. . . c) other settings
2) Preferences
. . . a) rules of play (e.g. space victory only)
. . . b) civ color and name
. . . c) leader name
. . . d) ?
(EDIT) Current tally (as of 7/16 ~6pm)
1) Essentials
a) MGE - 12
. . 2.42 - 1 maybe
b) huge - 2
. . large - 9
. . random - 5
. . continents - 5
. . archipelago - 1
. . real world - 2
c) 7 civs, deity, raging hordes - 9
. . weenie settings - 0
2) Preferences
a) Must use representative gov't - 3
. . Space victory only - 4
b) white - 1
. . green - 1
. . blue - 1
. . yellow - 2
. . lt. blue - 2
. . orange - 1
. . purple - 1
Civ name
. . Banana Republic - 2+
. . United Apolyton - 1
d) Limited save file access - 6

Ideas abound, here are some of what we need to decide upon:
1) Essentials
. . . a) game version
. . . b) map settings
. . . c) other settings
2) Preferences
. . . a) rules of play (e.g. space victory only)
. . . b) civ color and name
. . . c) leader name
. . . d) ?
(EDIT) Current tally (as of 7/16 ~6pm)
1) Essentials
a) MGE - 12
. . 2.42 - 1 maybe
b) huge - 2
. . large - 9
. . random - 5
. . continents - 5
. . archipelago - 1
. . real world - 2
c) 7 civs, deity, raging hordes - 9
. . weenie settings - 0

2) Preferences
a) Must use representative gov't - 3
. . Space victory only - 4
b) white - 1
. . green - 1
. . blue - 1
. . yellow - 2
. . lt. blue - 2
. . orange - 1
. . purple - 1
Civ name
. . Banana Republic - 2+
. . United Apolyton - 1
d) Limited save file access - 6