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It is the end, and the moment was prepared for...

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  • It is the end, and the moment was prepared for...

    The final set of turns took me 1 and a half hours, a fraction of my first (and only other) set of turns. It ran from some rearrangements in 1820 to World Domination in 1826, effective as of 1828. The end, when it came, was a little quicker than I expected, thus I did not attempt to change to Democracy and maxing luxuries earlier (more population). However, with the saves I post in this thread, anyone looking on can download and (if your version of MGE works) see for yourselves what has been going on due to your own decisions. Perhaps you can do better with score, perhaps you'd like to continue and win in space, perhaps you'd like to just viciously sack Rusucurru over and over again. Whatever you want to do - you now have the results of all your decisions in front of you.

    Congratulations are very certainly in order - we have taken a civilization from nothing to world domination before the 20th century, and with collective decisions. I have been privileged to be involved in this endeavour, and honoured to have been chosen as final Premier of Apolytonia - to lead us all to final victory.

    Just a quick recap of our conquests:
    1776 AD - Egypt and Rome conquered
    1778 AD - America conquered
    1810 AD - India conquered
    1818 AD - Babylonia conquered
    1826 AD - Carthage conquered

    In 50 years we did this. The results certainly speak for themselves.

    For perhaps the final time, signing off:
    I salute you all
    May the Great Banana bless us all!

    Outgoing Premier of Apolytonia

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Now to the good stuff

    1820 AD

    Some granary sales - we will soon be able to demand all the grain we could ever need from the vassalized Carthaginians

    1822 AD
    -Very little Carth activity - I think they have almost given up.
    -The fortressed Cavalry E of Utica explores NW and finds one of the four unknown Carth cities - Caralis, pop=4
    -A spy in the same fortress explores the other dark patch to the NE of the Carth continent and finds Leptis Parva - THE CAPITAL! - it has Walls.
    -A spy is rushed in Carthage (76g) - those Walls will fall!
    -Ironclad bombardment of Rusucurru and Cartenna (both emptied) as welll as a Catapult and Warrior on the island N of Tingis.
    -An Ironclad discovers (and bombards) Selinus in the isthmus-like centre of the island N of Tingis - there is just Rusaddit to find now.
    -Leptis Parva's walls are sabotaged and the spy escapes OK
    -Sensing the end is approaching, I start changing cities to build Capitalization in order to have enough cash for both bribing and buying the last few WoWs (we have plenty of Freight that doesn't make it in time), and there is little use for other things in many cities
    -The last Barb Cannon S of Dortmund is finally killed

    1824 AD

    -Civil Disorder in Bombay. OOPS! It is resolved via Elvis-a-like
    -Several Cavalry are stationing themselves in a fortress NE of Utica untill all of them have enough moves to attack Leptis Parva at once.
    -An Explorer sighted on the far W of that island the final city is expected on - exactly where shade predicted!
    -Selinus is captured by a Cavalry arriving a=on a Transport (13g) A spy is disembarked, moves E, and discovers the final Carth city Rusaddit! The SMC was almost wrong in his predictions there. But, as ever, it didn't matter.
    -The Transport moves to the main Carth island now and unloads the 3 Cavalry and 2 more spies for the final assault. They take Alalia (12g)

    About here I realize with all those extra troops that Carth will be gone next turn - this I quickly rushbuild the rest of JS Bach's in Nalduria (50g - not quite enough Freight), and almost all of the UN in Paha Sapa (2328g) and Women's Suffrage in Rivertown(2320g). We still have more than 2000g.

    1826 AD - VE (Victory on Earth) year

    -The three WoWs are built (!)
    -The Carth explorer moves into the wilderness of that Carth island, never to be seen again.... Rumours persist that they encountered a particularly nasty tribe of cannibals that ate them alive...And it is totally unfounded to suggest that the cannibals were paid by the Foreign Ministry
    -Leptis Parva falls before the waves of Cavalry (32g) - Carthage's autocratic leaders are executed publically to much cheering. There is just cleanup now.
    -Rocly finally escapes the fortress and takes Cartenna (33g)
    -Rusaddit seceds for 118g (13g back)
    -Gades revolts for 194g (19g back), and Caralis for 152g (13g back)

    I stare at the one survivng bastion of the dinosaurs known as Carthage's government. The save game titled "finalmove1826.sav" is situated at this time. I then order the armies of Apolytonia on with a dismissive wave off my hand. As I turn my back on Carthage and towards the island upon which we started our journey, a great cheer erupts - we have finally done it. Rusucurru falls and we recover the final 8 gold in Carthage's coffers.

    I end the turn, not bothering to do anything more than max the luxuries at 80%

    The next turn a peasant revolt is reported near Boston. If anyone plays on they'll have nasty Barbs to contend with...
    Attached Files

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      Our supreme power
      Attached Files

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        Final score
        Attached Files

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          Maybe JA was always on the right track...

          We ARE GREAT!!!!!!!!!
          Attached Files

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            1st in everything?! Wow. How did we do that?
            Attached Files

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              Poor, poor Carthage...
              Attached Files

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Carthage: the great Colonial Power.
                Attached Files

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9
                  And lastly, the saves:

                  this one is just before the last attack on Carthage's lasts city: Rusucurru
                  Attached Files

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    The start of the last turn of moves/attacks;
                    Attached Files

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      And finally, where I started this set of turns.

                      Well, that's it, if you want the orders I was given, shade's are exactly as they are in his thread about the end of Carthage, and if you want atawa's PM me.

                      If you want any more saves (I have a few going back as far as 1000AD, PM me and I will post them.

                      A bientot - until the next game.

                      Outgoing Premier of Apolytonia

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #12
                        Sorry! Forgot the last save.
                        Attached Files

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #13
                          Congratulations are in order for everyone that helped bring this game to its successful conclusion!


                          • #14
                            Well done everyone.

                            Now someone organise a new one
                            The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                            Hydey the no-limits man.


                            • #15
                              this was just a warm up, now we're ready for the multi site challenge

