In the coming atttack on India, we are to make use of attacks to take Delhi (the capital) first, before turning our attention to the other cities. However, many of their cities (possibly all) have City Walls (+200% bonus) and some are on rivers (+50% defence bonus). Furthermore, they have had Gunpowder for 12 or so turns now, and may have Musketeers (3 defence) as primary defenders.
We will use spies to attempt to take down Walls before attacking, but this may not be practicable for all cities involved. Once Delhi is down all of India will be much cheaper to bribe (50% cheaper I think - somebody, maybe le Marquis de Sodaq - please confirm ), and there is the chance of just bribing any tough nuts.
Vote here for how much money we can afford to use as bribe money. The options speak for themselves. If we commit no bribe money, we will attempt to kill Walls and assault with Cavalry etc. - not recommended, seeing as it may take many spy attacks to take the Walls, and we may lose some or all spies in the attempt.
We currently have 3340 gold in our coffers, and we gain 138g/ turn.
Minister of WAR, not peace.
Presidential Candidate.
We will use spies to attempt to take down Walls before attacking, but this may not be practicable for all cities involved. Once Delhi is down all of India will be much cheaper to bribe (50% cheaper I think - somebody, maybe le Marquis de Sodaq - please confirm ), and there is the chance of just bribing any tough nuts.
Vote here for how much money we can afford to use as bribe money. The options speak for themselves. If we commit no bribe money, we will attempt to kill Walls and assault with Cavalry etc. - not recommended, seeing as it may take many spy attacks to take the Walls, and we may lose some or all spies in the attempt.
We currently have 3340 gold in our coffers, and we gain 138g/ turn.
Minister of WAR, not peace.
Presidential Candidate.
