Attention Fellow Citizens!!!!
With the advent of the Civ3 Demo Game -- and its popularity -- those who wish to continue our ongoing recruitment efforts through the use of our signature lines (see below) need to make an adjustment.

Please replace references to the "Democracy Game" with new profile entries subsituting "Civ2 Democracy Game"

I also recommend that, if you are using "Civ II" to change it to "Civ2" -- All those little "IIIIs" can cause confusion.
Of course, those who are participating in both forums are encouraged to note their affilitations to each in a clear and concise manner. Several are already doing so.
Just a thought. Carry on...
Oh, and -- assuming you're moving forward this weeend, President Comrade Cavebear -- May your activities be as successful now as ever.
Now go kick some Indian butt!
