2x EDIT: Fixed poll - thank to the Almighty Ming. Everyone who voted - you need to vote again. Sorry. I'll try not to be so stupid again.
Unit count:
EDIT: I DID try and put a unit count in here but the formatting sucked once it was in the post, so I cut it. Once my last exam is over I may take the time to redo it, if ppl want (DO you want?).
Also around
Diplomat (N of Bombay)
Riflemen and Dragoon fortified in Fortress ENE of Calcutta (Indian city)
1 Caravel E of Rome
1 Veteran Superclad E of new Castellon
4 Veteran Superclads and 1 Vet Caravel N of Babylon
1 Veteran Superclad, 2 caravel (1 Dragoons, 1 Riflemen in each) exploring near Carthage
Well, my exams are nearly over, and my much-mentioned bags of spare time this month are rapidly
approaching (rather ironically, since the nominations thread is already active ). It is about bloody time I came up with a warplan. For those sleeping the last week or so (like me), America, Rome and Egypt are history - our latest nemesis is India, who attacked us during the American and Egyptian campaign. Based on my own feelings and the current results for the polls by head of the Foreign Office Hydey on what to do with our neighbours - I present ideas towards preparing an attack on India, and contacting the Carthagininans whilst exploring the Carthage-infested, I mean inhabited, lands.
Expanding Our Cultural Heritage aka The Quest for (the rest of) Little India
India has 5 cities, one of which is not located yet. unless there is a surprise, the location for this
city is pretty well constrained by the locations of our cities. (see map 1) This map also shows the
position Hydey considers the most likely area for their final city.
At least two of these cities, Madras and Delhi, have Walls helping the (as a worst case) Musketeers
defend those cities. This would make the defense of each unit there =3 +50% Vet (?) + 200% Walls = a
possible 11 defense if we round up! Our max attack at the moment (on land) is Dragoons 5 + 50%
Vet = 7 rounded down. This is unacceptable. Thus, we must either eliminate the Walls (defense down to
5 rounded up, much better ) or await Cavalry and Cannons (attack = a possible 12) - or maybe both.
It is imperative we take Delhi ASAP so we can eliminate both their largest city and allow city bribery
by the highly trained Diplomatic Corps if a non-violent method is desired by the ppl.
I propose no offensive action against Indian cities at the moment due to our attack inadequacies. I suggest we continue building diplos in the three cities that are doing so at the moment (6 turns till all are completed at the same time). Some cities are building a second defensive Rifleman to fortify, and three are building a third. I think we should change these three, and once they are done with the second defender the other cities also, to build roughly half Dragoons, half Diplomats. Thus we will soon have several diplos and Cavalry (Tactics is about 2 turns away) with which proper plans can be made. Cannons shouldn't be necessary, as they are just slow, defenceless Cavalry for our purposes.
Investigating the Infestation of Carthage aka My, that's a Nasty Case you've Got There
Since Hydey's poll suggests we should not provoke Carthage overly until India and probably Babylon are notches on our belt, but that we need more information on the extent of the infection, my second plan
is to send our Navy to investigate.
Map 2 shows the units we have South of the Carthage-plagued continent. We have 4 Vet Superclads clustered near babylon, one on the SE tip of Carthage (next to a Trireme we must EXTERMINATE ), and a Caravel with the 'Clads near Babylon. Two further 'Clads are W of Babylon, near our city of Brandenburg. Another 'Clad is in Veii and two are healing in Cumae and Antium.
I propose 'Clad 1 kills the Trireme and continues N along the coast to investigate the black area. 'Clad 2 will do the same, on the W side of the landmass (it has been a while since we were there). 'Clad 3 will move to the island at the yellow arrow, to investigate the possibility of a city here (look - an unmanned Fortress! ). The other 'Clads you see can just wander around, check out the coast of India, attack that undiscovered city if it is a port, approach Babylon or whatever.
Finally, to the Caravels to the North of the main infestation, with a Rifleman and Dragoon in each. Here there is a city, Oea, just begging to be attacked (map 3). Keep in mind Carthage has the ability to build the awesome Phalanx, Archers, Elephants, Legions, and, um, that's about it. If we keep Caravel 1 hanging around until the Dragoon becomes a Cavalry, we can take that city in an instant, and defend with the Rifleman. Caravel 2 can continue East on its mission of exploration of that ominous black "Dragons be Here" type stuff.
Well, that's about it from me - remember to vote - just broad ideas to vote on here, since this is such a cop-out vague, do nothing at the moment type plan.
Poll options:
Poll A: India
1. my non-active India plan is fine until we have the forces built up or
2. you have a better idea (post it here or PM me)
Poll B: Carthage
1. My exploratory Carthage plan is fine
2. You have alternate thoughts
Poll C: Units to build
1. Half diplos, half Dragoons (soon to be Cavalry) - my idea
2. All diplos - we buy them out
3. All Cavalry
4. Something involving Cannons maybe? You tell me.
Minister of WAR, not peace.

Unit count:
EDIT: I DID try and put a unit count in here but the formatting sucked once it was in the post, so I cut it. Once my last exam is over I may take the time to redo it, if ppl want (DO you want?).
Also around
Diplomat (N of Bombay)
Riflemen and Dragoon fortified in Fortress ENE of Calcutta (Indian city)
1 Caravel E of Rome
1 Veteran Superclad E of new Castellon
4 Veteran Superclads and 1 Vet Caravel N of Babylon
1 Veteran Superclad, 2 caravel (1 Dragoons, 1 Riflemen in each) exploring near Carthage
Well, my exams are nearly over, and my much-mentioned bags of spare time this month are rapidly
approaching (rather ironically, since the nominations thread is already active ). It is about bloody time I came up with a warplan. For those sleeping the last week or so (like me), America, Rome and Egypt are history - our latest nemesis is India, who attacked us during the American and Egyptian campaign. Based on my own feelings and the current results for the polls by head of the Foreign Office Hydey on what to do with our neighbours - I present ideas towards preparing an attack on India, and contacting the Carthagininans whilst exploring the Carthage-infested, I mean inhabited, lands.
Expanding Our Cultural Heritage aka The Quest for (the rest of) Little India
India has 5 cities, one of which is not located yet. unless there is a surprise, the location for this
city is pretty well constrained by the locations of our cities. (see map 1) This map also shows the
position Hydey considers the most likely area for their final city.
At least two of these cities, Madras and Delhi, have Walls helping the (as a worst case) Musketeers
defend those cities. This would make the defense of each unit there =3 +50% Vet (?) + 200% Walls = a
possible 11 defense if we round up! Our max attack at the moment (on land) is Dragoons 5 + 50%
Vet = 7 rounded down. This is unacceptable. Thus, we must either eliminate the Walls (defense down to
5 rounded up, much better ) or await Cavalry and Cannons (attack = a possible 12) - or maybe both.
It is imperative we take Delhi ASAP so we can eliminate both their largest city and allow city bribery
by the highly trained Diplomatic Corps if a non-violent method is desired by the ppl.
I propose no offensive action against Indian cities at the moment due to our attack inadequacies. I suggest we continue building diplos in the three cities that are doing so at the moment (6 turns till all are completed at the same time). Some cities are building a second defensive Rifleman to fortify, and three are building a third. I think we should change these three, and once they are done with the second defender the other cities also, to build roughly half Dragoons, half Diplomats. Thus we will soon have several diplos and Cavalry (Tactics is about 2 turns away) with which proper plans can be made. Cannons shouldn't be necessary, as they are just slow, defenceless Cavalry for our purposes.
Investigating the Infestation of Carthage aka My, that's a Nasty Case you've Got There
Since Hydey's poll suggests we should not provoke Carthage overly until India and probably Babylon are notches on our belt, but that we need more information on the extent of the infection, my second plan
is to send our Navy to investigate.
Map 2 shows the units we have South of the Carthage-plagued continent. We have 4 Vet Superclads clustered near babylon, one on the SE tip of Carthage (next to a Trireme we must EXTERMINATE ), and a Caravel with the 'Clads near Babylon. Two further 'Clads are W of Babylon, near our city of Brandenburg. Another 'Clad is in Veii and two are healing in Cumae and Antium.
I propose 'Clad 1 kills the Trireme and continues N along the coast to investigate the black area. 'Clad 2 will do the same, on the W side of the landmass (it has been a while since we were there). 'Clad 3 will move to the island at the yellow arrow, to investigate the possibility of a city here (look - an unmanned Fortress! ). The other 'Clads you see can just wander around, check out the coast of India, attack that undiscovered city if it is a port, approach Babylon or whatever.
Finally, to the Caravels to the North of the main infestation, with a Rifleman and Dragoon in each. Here there is a city, Oea, just begging to be attacked (map 3). Keep in mind Carthage has the ability to build the awesome Phalanx, Archers, Elephants, Legions, and, um, that's about it. If we keep Caravel 1 hanging around until the Dragoon becomes a Cavalry, we can take that city in an instant, and defend with the Rifleman. Caravel 2 can continue East on its mission of exploration of that ominous black "Dragons be Here" type stuff.
Well, that's about it from me - remember to vote - just broad ideas to vote on here, since this is such a cop-out vague, do nothing at the moment type plan.
Poll options:
Poll A: India
1. my non-active India plan is fine until we have the forces built up or
2. you have a better idea (post it here or PM me)
Poll B: Carthage
1. My exploratory Carthage plan is fine
2. You have alternate thoughts
Poll C: Units to build
1. Half diplos, half Dragoons (soon to be Cavalry) - my idea
2. All diplos - we buy them out
3. All Cavalry
4. Something involving Cannons maybe? You tell me.
Minister of WAR, not peace.