Now that it seems like almost a foregone conclusion that the Superclads shall be chosen as our path to victory over the bourgeois capitalist corrupt Republican swine that are the rulers of Egypt and America's fine workers
, and that we are to crush the leaders of both nations beneath the collective marching feet of the Apolytonian Workers, we must decide where to strike first!
There are 5 cities in Egypt, and we have located three - Thebes (capital), Alexandria and Memphis. The fall of Thebes probably means disorder in their cities and all we need do is roll in some diplomats and bribe their corrupt officials into fleeing into exile. Furthermore, the Wonders Marco Polo's Embassy and he Pyramids would fall into our hands! Thus I propose Thebes be
our first Egyptian target. The other two cities are deeper into enemy territory and will require some careful approaches.
Philadelphia is one of the three (according to Head of our International Communist Bureau Hydey) American cities. The other we have located is Washington - the capital, which has Shakespeare's Theatre. The unlocated New York (see my map for where I suspect the city is) has the Great Library. Although Philadelphia is the least tempting target for our righteous fury, it is the closest to us and thus my recommended first American target.
I propose this: My feeling is that we wait for a minimum of 5 'Clads, and we split them 3/2 and attack Philadelphia and Thebes at once. Philadelphia is two turns away from our Crusader stationed two squares NE of Heliopolis. Once we have eliminated the defenders in Philadelphia, we can move the Crusaders (and Musketeer that is on the same square) to the Tundra square two squares SW of Philadelphia (red arrow), and enter the city the next turn. Any defenders built in the city in the intervening turn can be eliminated by the Superclads prior to entering the city.
Thebes' terrain is trickier, plus it is further away. 6 Crusaders are inside Heliopolis, and I believe two of these should be moved to the forest square indicated in my map. The Crusader SE of Heliopolis should be moved to the tundra square on my map (green arrow), where it can act as a backup in case of tragedy, and as a forward defence to any units moving from the East. They must be supported by at least one Musketeer - and there are two available (with a caravel) quite far N of here, E of kIndalia. If we bring these two down and position them with the Crusaders, this should provide adequate defense for once we have Thebes. However, we should not move these units into place until our Superclads have reached the coast near Thebes, and can target any units leaving the city. Then we move the Crusaders/Musketeers down whilst our 'Clads are bombing the hats off of Egypt's fat cat rulers. Once Thebes is undefended, one Crusader can move (in two turns) to take Thebes.
So, the above poll is multi-option: first whether to attack two cities or one; to attack when all our troops are in place or when one city attack squad is completely ready; and which city(ies) to attack FIRST. Note that I strongly recommend we don't attack more than two cities at the moment.
One last thing - how quickly should this start? We have 6 'Clads in production, and with rushing we can have 5 in place for less than 700 gold (if we rush NOW) in about 6 turns. We can wait 2-3 turns and this rush cost drops to probably 300 or so (we have 2130 gold and our income is +60/turn).
Post your thoughts, please!
Minister of WAR, not peace.

There are 5 cities in Egypt, and we have located three - Thebes (capital), Alexandria and Memphis. The fall of Thebes probably means disorder in their cities and all we need do is roll in some diplomats and bribe their corrupt officials into fleeing into exile. Furthermore, the Wonders Marco Polo's Embassy and he Pyramids would fall into our hands! Thus I propose Thebes be
our first Egyptian target. The other two cities are deeper into enemy territory and will require some careful approaches.
Philadelphia is one of the three (according to Head of our International Communist Bureau Hydey) American cities. The other we have located is Washington - the capital, which has Shakespeare's Theatre. The unlocated New York (see my map for where I suspect the city is) has the Great Library. Although Philadelphia is the least tempting target for our righteous fury, it is the closest to us and thus my recommended first American target.
I propose this: My feeling is that we wait for a minimum of 5 'Clads, and we split them 3/2 and attack Philadelphia and Thebes at once. Philadelphia is two turns away from our Crusader stationed two squares NE of Heliopolis. Once we have eliminated the defenders in Philadelphia, we can move the Crusaders (and Musketeer that is on the same square) to the Tundra square two squares SW of Philadelphia (red arrow), and enter the city the next turn. Any defenders built in the city in the intervening turn can be eliminated by the Superclads prior to entering the city.
Thebes' terrain is trickier, plus it is further away. 6 Crusaders are inside Heliopolis, and I believe two of these should be moved to the forest square indicated in my map. The Crusader SE of Heliopolis should be moved to the tundra square on my map (green arrow), where it can act as a backup in case of tragedy, and as a forward defence to any units moving from the East. They must be supported by at least one Musketeer - and there are two available (with a caravel) quite far N of here, E of kIndalia. If we bring these two down and position them with the Crusaders, this should provide adequate defense for once we have Thebes. However, we should not move these units into place until our Superclads have reached the coast near Thebes, and can target any units leaving the city. Then we move the Crusaders/Musketeers down whilst our 'Clads are bombing the hats off of Egypt's fat cat rulers. Once Thebes is undefended, one Crusader can move (in two turns) to take Thebes.
So, the above poll is multi-option: first whether to attack two cities or one; to attack when all our troops are in place or when one city attack squad is completely ready; and which city(ies) to attack FIRST. Note that I strongly recommend we don't attack more than two cities at the moment.
One last thing - how quickly should this start? We have 6 'Clads in production, and with rushing we can have 5 in place for less than 700 gold (if we rush NOW) in about 6 turns. We can wait 2-3 turns and this rush cost drops to probably 300 or so (we have 2130 gold and our income is +60/turn).
Post your thoughts, please!
Minister of WAR, not peace.