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1720ad Foreign ministers report on the carthaginians

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  • 1720ad Foreign ministers report on the carthaginians

    Foreign ministers report on the Carthaginians

    We have not actually made contact with them yet but we can see 4 cities so far, no contact means no embassy so information is very limited.

    We know of 4 cities but judging by the size of Island those 4 are on I would expect at least 10 cities maybe more, I guess that Carthage is there capital.

    They have 2 wonders of the world, The great wall of Utica and Copernicus' Observatory in Leptis Parva. we do not know where these cities are yet.

    I recommend we send a diplomat and an explorer on a boat to there island with the diplomat to build an embassy and the explorer and boat map as much of their lands as we can. the Carthagiians appear to be the largest civ after us on the planet.
    Build embassy ASAP
    Build embassy but later on
    no embassy with Carthaginians
    Meet with them and seek peace at all costs
    Meet with them and try for peace
    meet them peace or war doesn't matter
    meet them with an attack force WAR WAR WAR
    wait until they contact us
    I don't care I am bananaman

    The poll is expired.

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

    Hydey the no-limits man.

  • #2
    I think we should send a trireme loaded with a Diplomat (embassy) and a caravan ( )
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #3
      These guys are a threat - almost completely unknown. We need a diplo there, but not until it's convenient, as they are far off. When we meet them peace would be best (whilst we finish our military commitments elsewhere and redistribute forces, of course ), but no biggy if they want war, as they seem too far off to be of much danger, plus with Superclads they shouldn't reach our shores (note to self: need Superclad defending area Nth of State to prevent possible incursions by Carthage/Babylon).

      We have a caravel with crusader touring near the Nth coast of their continent, but we haven't even made contact yet! I propose that we land the crusader ASAP next to one of their units, make contact, and quickly whisk the crusader away again and keep exploring/hut popping.

      The red arrow shows our caravel/crusader.

      Minister of WAR, not peace.
      Attached Files

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        IIRC, Carthage has casually attacked our ships whenever our paths crossed. They aren't a serious danger to us at the moment, but they are definately aggressive, and we had best remain prepared for treachery.

        Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
        Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
        Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
        Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


        • #5
          I say sink all of their ships before making contact! After the oceans are filled with the blood of the trecherous Carthaginians, build an embassy and become best of friends, until all other busines is out of the way


          • #6
            Peace if they are willing, war if nessecairy.
            But dont start all out warfare untill we learn more about them.


            • #7
              Embassy, yes, we need to know what they are doing NOW as they appear to be the second-most powerful nation (after us). We wouldn't want any nasty surprises.

              Why would we need to "try" for peace? Aren't we automatically at peace until someone declares war?

              We shouldn't go to war with them until we finish with the Egyptians and Americans. Then we should hit them hard, so they don't grow too powerful for us to conquer.

              EDIT: Also, we should build a city on a) the middle Swamp tile on the island to the southwest of the Carthaginian continent (two Whales ), b) the Grassland between the Forest and the Swamp on the western coast of their continent (two more whales ), and c) the Forest+River tile 6 tiles northeast of the proposed island city. The last one would have a good defense (+%50 for Forest and +%25 for River, in addition to City and Wall bonuses), making it an ideal beachead for any future incursions into Carthage, and the River tiles would give it extra trade , which is always good.
              Last edited by Kuciwalker; June 4, 2002, 16:31.


              • #8
                Aren't we automatically at peace until someone declares war?
                Yep, and they did


                • #9
                  How can there be war if we haven't contacted them?


                  • #10
                    uhh...i'm not sure...i think they attacked us before or right after we negotiated, constituting a declaratiion of war


                    • #11

                      It's been too long since I've played Civ2.


                      • #12
                        i think you need a ground unit next to a ground unit of theres before contact.and im pretty sure ships can engage in hostilities without declaring war.
                        if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                        ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                        • #13
                          That is true, Cataphract.

                          Minister of WAR, not peace.

                          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                          • #14
                            We are neither "at war" nor "at peace" with the Carthaginians. Since our only contact has been a couple of attacks at sea, we haven't officially "made contact" so no state of diplomatic relations exists at the moment. That's why they don't show up on the Foreign Affairs screen, for example.

                            Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                            Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                            Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                            Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


                            • #15
                              So if we contact them now, we won't be at war.

