Well, in our last session we researched Steam Engine and began preparing for the Ironclad Offensive! We have now started researching Metallurgy and are about half done. The AI civs that we know are all researching either Feudalism or Invention. Techs they have that we don't:
Bridge Building (Romans, Egyptians, Americans, Indians)
Medicine (Romans, Egyptians, Americans, Indians)
Economics (Egyptians, Americans)
Following Metallurgy, the techs we will have available to research:
Magnetism (Galleon, Frigate, Electricity, obsoletes lighthouse)
Bridge Building (Railroad)
Chivalry (Knights)
Conscription (Riflemen, Fundamentalism)
Theory of Gravity
After the last poll, there was a tie in the long-term paths between going for Conscription and going for railroad. Now, personally I think we should go with Chivalry -> Leadership -> Conscription -> Tactics, but if you disagree, let your voices be heard! Here is some indepth analysis of the possible paths (mostly copied from my last poll, as little has changed):
Conscription will give us Riflemen (5.4.1) which our musketeers will upgrade to. Fundamentalism gives us Fundamentalism as government (well, duh) and Fanatics (if we go fundy, 4.4.1).
Chivalry -> Leadership -> Conscription -> Tactics
This path would greatly upgrade our attacking forces. Chivalry will give Knights (4.2.2) which are slightly weaker offensively than the Crusaders (5.1.2) that we already have. Leadership gives Dragoons (5.2.2) that any existing Knights and Crusaders will upgrade to. Tactics is big - with it, we can get Cavalry (8.3.2) and our dragoons would upgrade to them.
Bridge Building -> Railroad
Railroad will give us, well, railroads, as well as Darwin's Voyage (2 free techs) and is also a prereq for Industrialization (Transport (0.3.5, 8 units), Factory, Women's Suffrage).
Magnetism -> Electricity
Magnetism will give us Galleons (0.2.4) and Frigates (4.2.4). Our caravels will upgrade to one of these (but I'm not exactly sure which one. Military advisor?) However, it will also obsolete the advantages we have from the Lighthouse and make our Ironclad offensive less effective. As such, I believe we should put off researching Magnetism as long as possible. Electricity will give us Destroyers (4.4.6), which our ironclads will upgrade to. It will also negate the American's Great Library.
Medicine -> Sanitation
Um, no. Medicine gives Shakespeare's, which the Americans already have, and none of our cities are in need of the sewer systems that Sanitation provides.
Theory of Gravity -> Atomic Theory
The only benefits this path would provide is Newton's College. I believe we can wait on this for a while.
The reason that there are single techs up there as well as long-term paths is if you want to go a different route than I suggested (for example, Chivalry -> Medicine -> Theory of Gravity) then vote for the single tech (Chivalry in this example) and let me know your opinions on how we should proceed.
You have 3 days to vote.
Bridge Building (Romans, Egyptians, Americans, Indians)
Medicine (Romans, Egyptians, Americans, Indians)
Economics (Egyptians, Americans)
Following Metallurgy, the techs we will have available to research:
Magnetism (Galleon, Frigate, Electricity, obsoletes lighthouse)
Bridge Building (Railroad)
Chivalry (Knights)
Conscription (Riflemen, Fundamentalism)
Theory of Gravity
After the last poll, there was a tie in the long-term paths between going for Conscription and going for railroad. Now, personally I think we should go with Chivalry -> Leadership -> Conscription -> Tactics, but if you disagree, let your voices be heard! Here is some indepth analysis of the possible paths (mostly copied from my last poll, as little has changed):
Conscription will give us Riflemen (5.4.1) which our musketeers will upgrade to. Fundamentalism gives us Fundamentalism as government (well, duh) and Fanatics (if we go fundy, 4.4.1).
Chivalry -> Leadership -> Conscription -> Tactics
This path would greatly upgrade our attacking forces. Chivalry will give Knights (4.2.2) which are slightly weaker offensively than the Crusaders (5.1.2) that we already have. Leadership gives Dragoons (5.2.2) that any existing Knights and Crusaders will upgrade to. Tactics is big - with it, we can get Cavalry (8.3.2) and our dragoons would upgrade to them.
Bridge Building -> Railroad
Railroad will give us, well, railroads, as well as Darwin's Voyage (2 free techs) and is also a prereq for Industrialization (Transport (0.3.5, 8 units), Factory, Women's Suffrage).
Magnetism -> Electricity
Magnetism will give us Galleons (0.2.4) and Frigates (4.2.4). Our caravels will upgrade to one of these (but I'm not exactly sure which one. Military advisor?) However, it will also obsolete the advantages we have from the Lighthouse and make our Ironclad offensive less effective. As such, I believe we should put off researching Magnetism as long as possible. Electricity will give us Destroyers (4.4.6), which our ironclads will upgrade to. It will also negate the American's Great Library.
Medicine -> Sanitation
Um, no. Medicine gives Shakespeare's, which the Americans already have, and none of our cities are in need of the sewer systems that Sanitation provides.
Theory of Gravity -> Atomic Theory
The only benefits this path would provide is Newton's College. I believe we can wait on this for a while.
The reason that there are single techs up there as well as long-term paths is if you want to go a different route than I suggested (for example, Chivalry -> Medicine -> Theory of Gravity) then vote for the single tech (Chivalry in this example) and let me know your opinions on how we should proceed.
You have 3 days to vote.