The Tale of the Years: 1720 AD
1650 - We start Engineers transforming grassland to hills on special resource squares where possible. Drop off 2 more Crusaders at Heliopolis, put them on guard duty. Rush Engineer in Panama Canal in order to relocate city 1 square NW (incorporate 2 Silk resources).
1660 - Indians get Engineering from Babylonians. Rome discovers Medicine. We discover University, start researching Steam Engine!
We tip a Hut and discover an Advanced Tribe. Upon hearing of our Glorious Workers Paradise and its history, they willing join us
and rename their city "Bloomington". Panama Canal is temporarily disbanded, The citizens there realize belatedly that they cannot grow enough food in the Forest to support themselves and set about clearing the land for crops. 
1670 - Exploring, Transforming, Researching…
1680 - Americans discover Feudalism. The Indian Emissary wants Gunpowder in exchange for Bridge-Building. I politely decline and then burn the bed-linens when he leaves, to kill the lice.
We collect excess Musketeers from Apolyton, Ten Zuiden, and Nova Hispania on a single Caravel, to be transported to Heliopolis. We kill an Egyptian Catapault that approaches Heliopolis without damage.
1690 - We kill another Egyptian Catapault, again with no damage.
Our Crusaders have begun to make jokes about the simple-minded Egyptians "How many Egyptians does it take to sheath a sword…" they start, with assorted hilarious endings. 
The Romans threaten one of our Engineers at New Castellon with a Catapault. We just stare them down and hope for the best.
One of our exploring Caravels comes across a Carthaginian Trireme. Many wives will never see their treacherous husbands come home again. Many of them will probably be happy about that, too! 
1700 - Egypt gets Astronomy from the Americans, Rome gets Engineering from Egypt, and the Indians get Medicine from Rome. India starts King Richard's Crusade. We discover the Steam Engine and start researching Metallurgy!
2 Barb Elephants attack kIndalia, no damage. I send a Musketeer out after their Leader. We tip a Hut and find 200 gold! Rome pulls back its Catapault near New Castellon.
1710 - We start or convert production for 5 Ironclads.
More exploring and terraforming going on. Some of our Engineers have constructed huge Hills and Mined them thoroughly.
1720 - We get that Barb Leader near kIndalia, 150 gold.
A Coal Caravan is being sent to Thebes, and there is a Diplomat hiding on board the Caravel that transports it. 
Screenshots to follow...
1650 - We start Engineers transforming grassland to hills on special resource squares where possible. Drop off 2 more Crusaders at Heliopolis, put them on guard duty. Rush Engineer in Panama Canal in order to relocate city 1 square NW (incorporate 2 Silk resources).
1660 - Indians get Engineering from Babylonians. Rome discovers Medicine. We discover University, start researching Steam Engine!

1670 - Exploring, Transforming, Researching…

1680 - Americans discover Feudalism. The Indian Emissary wants Gunpowder in exchange for Bridge-Building. I politely decline and then burn the bed-linens when he leaves, to kill the lice.

1690 - We kill another Egyptian Catapault, again with no damage.

1700 - Egypt gets Astronomy from the Americans, Rome gets Engineering from Egypt, and the Indians get Medicine from Rome. India starts King Richard's Crusade. We discover the Steam Engine and start researching Metallurgy!

1710 - We start or convert production for 5 Ironclads.

1720 - We get that Barb Leader near kIndalia, 150 gold.

Screenshots to follow...