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City-Planner and VP positions...

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  • City-Planner and VP positions...

    OK, the poll is closed and the People chose that the President shall appoint the positions from willing candidates. It was a close vote, but that's the final results.

    So, who is willing?

    I've seen interest posts from atawa, civman 2000, Immortal Wombat, and Bear, I think. Did I miss anyone?

    Speak now, or be ignored. Declare for either or both. I just want to know who is interested in which. I will make my best choice for both jobs.


    1. VP - Take over for President if he resigns or disappears. Manage elections (announce self-nominations on the 23rd, post polls of the 26th, announce results on the 29th). And I can fill in while the VP is away if required. The President always does "other duties as required".

    2. City-Planner - Manages existing cities. Looks at Workers in cities to best arrange them for overall civ goals. Suggests things to build in each city for the civ requirements. Manages happiness and Elvis/Taxman/Scientist assignments.
    Note: New city assignments are generally managed by the Minister of Imperial Expansion.

    Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
    Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
    Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
    Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul

  • #2
    I would very much like to stand for election as City Planner, please.

    I've written down what I intend to do in the other post - generally increase productivity and tax returns in main cities, whilst ensuring we maintain our science and happiness levels.

    I believe Gen. Hancock has seconded me?

    Last edited by Bear; May 31, 2002, 06:40.


    • #3
      I'll be VP, but I won't be able to announce election results because I'll be on vacation the last few days of the month and the start of July.


      • #4
        I would like to be accepted as City Planner of the glorious communist empire of Apolytonia.

        As a loyal communist, I will promise to uphold the principals of equality of all men (scum), and concentrate the effort of the cities on producing the finest empire ever, capable of space flight as soon as possible. Science, science, science in the core cities, and war war war on the peripheral cities.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          I support Immortal Wombat for CP!


          • #6

            Thanks civman2000!

            (I'd like to mention that I also have the backing of H Tower for this position)
            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


            • #7
              As an active citizen, I could be interested by a nomination, but two things influence :
              1/ I have difficulties with my own availability some weeks in June (especialy week-ends)
              2/ As you can read , I'm not a native english speaker and my english is approximate : it's a handicap for putting the good questions clearly in the polls.
              So, I decline,
              but I will continue to take an active part in the debates.
              Paris, FRANCE


              • #8
                I support civman2000 for VP, and Bear for CP
                (I know Bear is trying to be democratic, but in the mean time he has good plans for making us rich! )



                • #9
                  I thoroughly believe civman2000 is willing and able to be VP. he has consistently shown his strong and well-formed opinions in this game, his want to fulfill what is best for the People, and has clearly shown the will to be in office.

                  Both Bear and IW have also shown dedication to the game due to their strong desire to add to the body of debate about a wide variety of issues that face us. In my mind either would supply us with the final member of an excellent Council.

                  JCP, c'est dommage que vous ne voulez pas etre un des "Premieres Comrades" de cette gouvernement. J'espere que vous me comprenez, parce que j'aimerais dire que votre abilite de parler anglais est meilleure que la mienne de parler francais! S'il vous plait, continuez d'annoncer votres idees sur n'importe pas de theme - ils sont tres utiles pour moi, pour decider lesquelles sont les meilleures.

                  Et le premier jeux de la Coupe de Monde - que est ce que ce passe?

                  Ministere de la Guerre,

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10

                    We have Immortal Wombat who believes in maintaining our income, getting a huge technology advantage and funding war that way..

                    And we have me, Bear, who believes in hugely improving our income, maintaining our technological advantage and funding war that way..

                    I feel (and I assume IW does as well) that cities should have high productivity levels to build forces and buildings quickly.

                    Make your own conclusions

                    VOTE BEAR!


                    • #11
                      I volunteer to be VP.


                      • #12
                        Amazing that we had 2 empty posts and only 2 contested High Council races. The politicking for VP and CP is as intense as anything we've yet seen in our little world.

                        Looks like a lot of good candidates, with some fully-formed thoughts and probably more game experience than I. Sorry, but I can't endorse anyone without a bit of research. Untili that happens, best of luck to all...

                        (Alors, MrWIA, votre francais est plus bien que le mien!)
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • #13
                          double post


                          • #14
                            Bear: is you seem to think it goes without saying that money is more important than tech.

                            MUERTE A LA FRANCES!!!!!! Todo el mundo debemos hablar solamente espanol!


                            • #15
                              MUERTE A LA FRANCES!!!!!! Todo el mundo debemos hablar solamente espanol!


