ohh wow i'm winning. i don't wanna jump the gun, but i'd like to thank my third grade teacher Mrs Baker, i'd like to thank my cat fluffy, my producer, my parents...........
It seems that there are some who dislike the idea of a STONECUTTER holding a position. I know i've made some mistakes (example: goats and such). I also know that i've posted some "good job" posts. (what else can u say about cavebear and his fantasmonious leadership). I don't know what a DL is so i can't even address that. ( Dancing Leuprcan???). Thank you all for voting and remember to call your mothers.
It seems that there are some who dislike the idea of a STONECUTTER holding a position. I know i've made some mistakes (example: goats and such). I also know that i've posted some "good job" posts. (what else can u say about cavebear and his fantasmonious leadership). I don't know what a DL is so i can't even address that. ( Dancing Leuprcan???). Thank you all for voting and remember to call your mothers.