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Trade Supremo Elections

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  • #16
    ohh wow i'm winning. i don't wanna jump the gun, but i'd like to thank my third grade teacher Mrs Baker, i'd like to thank my cat fluffy, my producer, my parents...........

    It seems that there are some who dislike the idea of a STONECUTTER holding a position. I know i've made some mistakes (example: goats and such). I also know that i've posted some "good job" posts. (what else can u say about cavebear and his fantasmonious leadership). I don't know what a DL is so i can't even address that. ( Dancing Leuprcan???). Thank you all for voting and remember to call your mothers.
    I want chicken I want Liver I want everything for dinner!!!


    • #17
      Well, at least two of the no-voters owned up and justified themselves. Thanks civman2000 and H Tower. To try and put your worries to rest, just remember the Prez is a last check on all the Ministers, so as long as we have a reliable Prez (and we DO), we have little to fear from someone new to the game having a post, especially one like Trade.

      timmy2tone69, here's an unofficial congrats for (as you surely will) winning the confidence of the ppl and becoming Trade Advisor!

      Hopefully your example will show all of the others here who are brand new to the game that you CAN get involved and have fun too.

      Remember, just ask for help if it's needed. Previous Trade Ministers who are still around (shade springs to mind as an excellent example) will likely be willing to pass on their specialised know-how of the post.

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #18
        Thanks everyone. even those who did not vote for me i thank you.
        As trade advisor i will fulfill all duties assoicated with the position.
        MWIA i appreciate all of you unbiased support. Now i'm off to plan a series of trade routes.
        I want chicken I want Liver I want everything for dinner!!!

