I propose that the 2 functions be combined under the "Minister of City-Planning". The duties of the 2 positions have always overlapped and been a bit confusing. Combined, the new post would involve recommending sites for new cities (a diminishing concern) and the efficient use of Workers in existing cities and the best construction projects to pursue in each. It is not much of an addition to either and seems to be a logical combination.
If we had continued and active competition for the posts separately, I would say let them remain separate; but we do not. At the end of the current nomination cycle, we have only 1 candidate for Imperial Expansion, and none for City-Planner. Let's just have 1 person do both and reduce the uncontested (or even vacant) candidacies.
If we had continued and active competition for the posts separately, I would say let them remain separate; but we do not. At the end of the current nomination cycle, we have only 1 candidate for Imperial Expansion, and none for City-Planner. Let's just have 1 person do both and reduce the uncontested (or even vacant) candidacies.
