* -Jrabbit steps up to the podium, taps the Shure Voice-Powered Microphone *
Hello? Is this thing on?

(ahem) My fellow Citizens! The time for elections is nigh! I come to you again, hat in hand, to request your continued support for my third consecutive term as Historian of the Democracy Game.
In answer to my impatient critics
, who seem to think that I treat this great office lightly, I offer this news: I have just offered a recent update of our civ to the great god MarkG, and pledge to continue this program of propagandistic recruitment if elected again.
Further, I pledge to deliver the full, smilie-filled history of our great culture, including the presidencies of Shaka Naldur (and his VP/successor, MBloomIII), shade, and cavebear by the end of my next term of office.
Finally, I promise to step down from this noble office after the June term, for I will be in abstentia for the month of July.
I humbly solicit your support, and will gladly discuss any history-related issues raised in this forum.
I love you ppl!
Thank you for your support!
* -Jrabbit departs *
Hello? Is this thing on?

(ahem) My fellow Citizens! The time for elections is nigh! I come to you again, hat in hand, to request your continued support for my third consecutive term as Historian of the Democracy Game.
In answer to my impatient critics

Further, I pledge to deliver the full, smilie-filled history of our great culture, including the presidencies of Shaka Naldur (and his VP/successor, MBloomIII), shade, and cavebear by the end of my next term of office.
Finally, I promise to step down from this noble office after the June term, for I will be in abstentia for the month of July.
I humbly solicit your support, and will gladly discuss any history-related issues raised in this forum.
I love you ppl!

* -Jrabbit departs *