200AD:All rehoming and most city request got done.They didn't enhance our situation but they made it more clear where the problems lie...everywhere.
Phalanx from Balsindia goes hunting down the barb leader but it just dissapears into thin air...
I got lucky and got a peacetreaty with the Americans.
I tried a first time to exchange knowledge with the Indians but they just laugh at our emmisary and demand that we give them Republic...no way.
(I would really like the opinion of evrybody over this problem: everyone asks for republic--> can we risk giving it in hope for an exchange.)
220AD: The happiness-plan for Paha Sapa failed misserably...we still need 1 more unit to get enough martiallaw happiness.(2red + 1 black is not good to start from)
There is a second attempt to exchange knowledge with the indians => same result they just ignor the fact of exchanging techs.
240AD:Babylonian trireme attacks our trireme, our trireme becomes veteran.
The babylonians are very agressive and will be a pain(they are also very far away,so we can't punnish them easilly
Our wise men discover Polytheismeè more bad news: options for research: Banking, The wheel, Feudalism & medicineè start researching the wheel(goal invention)
Romans are really frightened that we would land military units near Rome+ there was a city hidden in our shadow(bribecost=540G==> so we can't afford it(one plus they just keep fighting the Indians)
--> see image below
Our silkroute to Rome pays of nicely==> 144G
260AD: since NO-ONE asks for spice(and the find city option does not know about the excistance of babylon) I decide to deliver it to Rome to instead of letting our trireme be on his way to who knows where for who know's how long.-->got 36G not much but something.
280AD: rushbuy citywalls in Citadel and barraks a few turns later.(you can't be carefull enough.
320AD:2. wise men discover the wheel==> we can go for monotheism(altough beakercost went up a lot--> need >500 beakers(and the one befor only needed <400)
More bad news barb uprising near kIndalia--> Rushbuild Walls+ put Phalanx in woods as first defence vs the 2 chariots
Beads caravan to BomBay==>208G(and 208 beakers
but we still need >300
340AD:Umbra was founded and starts out with a red face
The Phalanx died under siege of the chariot
the ppl of the empire mourn a full week over the loss of these nobel men.
360AD:Pop hut near delhi--> wandering nomad
400AD:Barb leader killed==>150G
ppl dance in joy in the streets of kIndalia they have had their revenge.
420AD:3. sold our citywalls in kIndalia--> rushbuild Lighthouse in Nove Hispania(thereby beating the AI to it and making sure we get faster boats and unsinkable triremes


Phalanx from Balsindia goes hunting down the barb leader but it just dissapears into thin air...

I got lucky and got a peacetreaty with the Americans.

I tried a first time to exchange knowledge with the Indians but they just laugh at our emmisary and demand that we give them Republic...no way.
(I would really like the opinion of evrybody over this problem: everyone asks for republic--> can we risk giving it in hope for an exchange.)
220AD: The happiness-plan for Paha Sapa failed misserably...we still need 1 more unit to get enough martiallaw happiness.(2red + 1 black is not good to start from)
There is a second attempt to exchange knowledge with the indians => same result they just ignor the fact of exchanging techs.
240AD:Babylonian trireme attacks our trireme, our trireme becomes veteran.

The babylonians are very agressive and will be a pain(they are also very far away,so we can't punnish them easilly

Our wise men discover Polytheismeè more bad news: options for research: Banking, The wheel, Feudalism & medicineè start researching the wheel(goal invention)
Romans are really frightened that we would land military units near Rome+ there was a city hidden in our shadow(bribecost=540G==> so we can't afford it(one plus they just keep fighting the Indians)

Our silkroute to Rome pays of nicely==> 144G

260AD: since NO-ONE asks for spice(and the find city option does not know about the excistance of babylon) I decide to deliver it to Rome to instead of letting our trireme be on his way to who knows where for who know's how long.-->got 36G not much but something.
280AD: rushbuy citywalls in Citadel and barraks a few turns later.(you can't be carefull enough.
320AD:2. wise men discover the wheel==> we can go for monotheism(altough beakercost went up a lot--> need >500 beakers(and the one befor only needed <400)
More bad news barb uprising near kIndalia--> Rushbuild Walls+ put Phalanx in woods as first defence vs the 2 chariots
Beads caravan to BomBay==>208G(and 208 beakers

340AD:Umbra was founded and starts out with a red face

The Phalanx died under siege of the chariot

360AD:Pop hut near delhi--> wandering nomad

400AD:Barb leader killed==>150G

420AD:3. sold our citywalls in kIndalia--> rushbuild Lighthouse in Nove Hispania(thereby beating the AI to it and making sure we get faster boats and unsinkable triremes

