hey! I decided to kick off my campaign for president. here is some stuff about me:
People of this great nation! I, Pellaken, hope and plan to become your President! I've been here, at this nation, for all of a few hours
, but dont think you should hold that against me... awe, what the heck, hold it agianst me if you want 
I come from the other dimention... yes, thats right... the civfanatics site. I am, am current, the Vice President, although I was appointed to that position. I served as the Deputy for the Military, Expansion, and Forigen Affairs depatments, as well as serving as deputy governor of 2 of the 3 provinces, and governor of the other. although my reign as gov was short, as my computer quit on me, and I handed the position over.
If I were elected, I would push for a few things:
First, Infrastructre. Roads, Mines, Irrigation. These things make our empire more efficient, and make it run all the more better. With them, we will enable ourselvs to grow at an amazing rate. a rate we have never before knowen possible. This, simple fix, will turn our nation from one that people talk about, to one that they stare at in awe.
Second, Defence. We need a good defencive army. I am not nessacaraley opposed to war, but Defence should come first. Some would say that "the best defence is a good offence" but if we send all our units to thier death, and leave none to defend our cities, then they will quickely fall prey to our enemies. A strong base will get us something to build on, and if we have Leo's as a suppliment, this defencive force can turn itself into a powerful army
Third, Settlers. We should have alot of them. while this will mean our cities, for the time being, will remain relitivley small and weak, with a large number of settlers, we will, within 1 or 2 electorial terms, become one of the strongest nations in existance. I belive that peaceful expansion is more important then hostile expansion. It is much easier, and we can choose our own city locations
I cant promice the world, but there is one thing I can promice, and that is to try. Those that know me know that when I set my mind to something, that I do it untill destruction. I will, if elected, promice to put that same determination into this game as I do to things in my real life.
I only hope that I can be given the chance to show all of you how much better our nation could be.
and my slogan:
Vote for Pell or go to Hell
People of this great nation! I, Pellaken, hope and plan to become your President! I've been here, at this nation, for all of a few hours

I come from the other dimention... yes, thats right... the civfanatics site. I am, am current, the Vice President, although I was appointed to that position. I served as the Deputy for the Military, Expansion, and Forigen Affairs depatments, as well as serving as deputy governor of 2 of the 3 provinces, and governor of the other. although my reign as gov was short, as my computer quit on me, and I handed the position over.
If I were elected, I would push for a few things:
First, Infrastructre. Roads, Mines, Irrigation. These things make our empire more efficient, and make it run all the more better. With them, we will enable ourselvs to grow at an amazing rate. a rate we have never before knowen possible. This, simple fix, will turn our nation from one that people talk about, to one that they stare at in awe.
Second, Defence. We need a good defencive army. I am not nessacaraley opposed to war, but Defence should come first. Some would say that "the best defence is a good offence" but if we send all our units to thier death, and leave none to defend our cities, then they will quickely fall prey to our enemies. A strong base will get us something to build on, and if we have Leo's as a suppliment, this defencive force can turn itself into a powerful army
Third, Settlers. We should have alot of them. while this will mean our cities, for the time being, will remain relitivley small and weak, with a large number of settlers, we will, within 1 or 2 electorial terms, become one of the strongest nations in existance. I belive that peaceful expansion is more important then hostile expansion. It is much easier, and we can choose our own city locations
I cant promice the world, but there is one thing I can promice, and that is to try. Those that know me know that when I set my mind to something, that I do it untill destruction. I will, if elected, promice to put that same determination into this game as I do to things in my real life.
I only hope that I can be given the chance to show all of you how much better our nation could be.
and my slogan:
Vote for Pell or go to Hell
