After a carefull study of our current situation, I find it my duty as SMC to make sure our little imperium becomes a safe place. My first priority will therefore be the construction of a solid defense, so no larger country could just walk in and take away what is rightfully ours.
There are a lot of things to be done, but only little resources.
I have composed a poll showing some of our options...
First off all, will we be a defensive or offensive power?
Personally I would like to start out building some defences.
There are 4 unit's which we could consider producing
1) Musketmen ADM 3/3/1 (2|1) 30shields
2) Crusaders ADM 5/1/2 (1|1) 40shields
3) Armor ADM 10/5/3 (3|1) 80shields
4) Explorer ADM 0/1/1 (1|1) 30shields
I would prefer to get some Musket men to defend our cities(2 at least/city) and also build some optional Armor(Apolytonia would be best suited for this task, I would also prefer to have 3 Armor for defensive purposes in Apolytonia.
Explorer are from my point of view a wast of resources to build, they die to fast and require 1 shield support.
The best option would also be to build those defenders in a few cities which have barracks, and rehome them.
Barracks should be build in Apolytonia,Cartenna(1 turn away from finishing it), Malaca(also has Baracks under construction) and Panama.
The second issue is the explorer, I suggest we send it into the dark so we find out where the borders of our little imperium could/should be drawn...I think we would not like the surprise of finding a size 20 city full of guns knives to close to our own undefended borders.
![Big Grin](
The last issue for now would be our capital: Apolytonia...
It is our strongest city, and it is currently constructing a bank. This bank would give us good profits, but then again barracks would give us fast veteran units(tanks could be build there a lot quicker then in other places, and then be transported with the carvel to needed locations)...on the other hand:the bank would give us extra happyness which could induce celebrations and make this city perfect for building settlers for all purposes(new cities, and growing our little ones a little faster.)
Maybe the best buildingqueu would be something like
bank-barracks-settler-defender-settler-defender ...
Plans and images cf next posts
Shade, SMC
hmm, those muskmen are actually musketmen...Who needs writing if you can carry a sword ?
The explorer was exploring at near relativistic speeds...this caused the last r to be compressed in the other r. [/edit]
![evil grin](