1814 - Change Utica production to Settler as decided by poll.
1816 - Gem Caravan enters Giza, 94G.
Change to Xin (for Tax since we are so close to Economics and need no further research bonus). Rush Malaca Temple (population growth).
1818 - Malaca builds Temple, grows to size 2. Starts Settler. Discover Economics, start researching Medicine. Change to non-Xin. Continue Caravel near Malaca along coast. A.S. Sparrowhawk heads back toward Aploytonia.
1820 - Tip Hut past Malaca with Settler, discover Horseback Riding (apparently there are ways to ride ON horses instead of just using them as food).
Change to Xin. Rush Apoltonia Settler for 34G.
1822 - Settler built in Apolytonia, start Explorer. Change to non-Xin. A.S. Sparrowhawk departs with Settler, other Caravel heading toward Apolytonia. Egyptian city Giza in Revolt.
1824 - Celts start Hoover Dam. City of Caralis established, start Temple. Change to Xin. Can't celebrate with both Caravels out of port.
1826 - Zulu discover Cure for Cancer, start Hoover Dam. Caravan exploring south of Malaca finds Whale at south coast.
Change to non-Xin.
1828 - 1/2 way to Medicine. Caravan explores for Specials around Whale. Caravels moving to and from Apolytonia. Change to Xin.
1830 - Change to non-Xin. Caravan explores. Caravels moving.
1832 - Debark Settler near Malaca north of Whale. Caravel moves toward Caralis to reveal ocean squares in city radius hoping for Specials. Caravan finds Wine near Whale. :Party Medicine 3/4 done. Move Caravel into Aploytonia, decide to celebrate.
1834 - Caravan looks for more Specials near Whale and Wine. Buy Caralis Temple (population growth) for 70G.
1836 - Caralis builds Temple, starts Settler. Utica builds Settler, starts Settler. Caravan finds 2nd Whale near Whale and Wine; we have a good spot for new city.
Settler heading for the center spot of those Specials.
Caravel reveals ocean squares around Caralis but there are no Specials;
starts toward Apolytonia. Apolytonia builds Explorer, starts Settler. Apolytonia celebrates to size 12, so I adjust Tax Rate and return to Xin. Caravel leaves Apolytonia with Explorer, heads toward Utica. Medicine very near completion.
1816 - Gem Caravan enters Giza, 94G.

1818 - Malaca builds Temple, grows to size 2. Starts Settler. Discover Economics, start researching Medicine. Change to non-Xin. Continue Caravel near Malaca along coast. A.S. Sparrowhawk heads back toward Aploytonia.
1820 - Tip Hut past Malaca with Settler, discover Horseback Riding (apparently there are ways to ride ON horses instead of just using them as food).

1822 - Settler built in Apolytonia, start Explorer. Change to non-Xin. A.S. Sparrowhawk departs with Settler, other Caravel heading toward Apolytonia. Egyptian city Giza in Revolt.
1824 - Celts start Hoover Dam. City of Caralis established, start Temple. Change to Xin. Can't celebrate with both Caravels out of port.

1826 - Zulu discover Cure for Cancer, start Hoover Dam. Caravan exploring south of Malaca finds Whale at south coast.

1828 - 1/2 way to Medicine. Caravan explores for Specials around Whale. Caravels moving to and from Apolytonia. Change to Xin.
1830 - Change to non-Xin. Caravan explores. Caravels moving.
1832 - Debark Settler near Malaca north of Whale. Caravel moves toward Caralis to reveal ocean squares in city radius hoping for Specials. Caravan finds Wine near Whale. :Party Medicine 3/4 done. Move Caravel into Aploytonia, decide to celebrate.
1834 - Caravan looks for more Specials near Whale and Wine. Buy Caralis Temple (population growth) for 70G.
1836 - Caralis builds Temple, starts Settler. Utica builds Settler, starts Settler. Caravan finds 2nd Whale near Whale and Wine; we have a good spot for new city.
