At present we have two Caravans in the field - a Gems one in a Caravel just offshore from Giza (not demanded in either Giza or Killdeer) and a Salt Caravan on the Caravel North of the new city of Malaca (also not demanded by any city we know the locations of).
What do we do with these guys?
Salt Caravan:
The Gems Caravan:
3 Days
What do we do with these guys?
Salt Caravan:
- establish a trade route with Malaca
- found a trade route with the next new city we build
- drop off at Apolytonia once the settler has been dropped off and await somewhere that demands Salt
The Gems Caravan:
- set up a route with Giza (right there)
- set up a route with Killdeer (2 turns movement to the South)
- return it to Apolytonia and await a better chance
3 Days