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May Elections Nomination Thread

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  • May Elections Nomination Thread

    Its that time again where we must seek Citizens who are willing to help their Civ lead the way to success and glory in the next month's term.

    The open positions are:

    Minister of War
    Minister of Trade
    Minister of Science
    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Decide how best you can serve your Civ and declare for a position quickly. Lets get a full slate of Ministers and Consul this time. It's not painful and the rewards are great!

    We are on the brink of the breakthough of our self-imposed limitations and ready to strike to the mainland we have been denied for so long. This is the time glory will be earned and devastation of the other Civs is at hand.

    Serve the government now or miss out on the best parts. Let's go into May ready to fulfill our destiny!

    I will stand for Consul/President. I hope there is competition for that job. We are at the part of the game I understand best, though. Who will join my (hoped-to-be) adminstration?
    Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
    Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
    Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
    Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul

  • #2
    With all due respect, I am NOT going to run the whole government by myself. It's not as though the Minister Positions require a whole lot of effort at this point.

    Participation is the only point of Demo games. Some volunteers, please?

    Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
    Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
    Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
    Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


    • #3
      Though my time is very variable right now, it seems that I could find enough time for Science

      Don't want to see this game lapse, hopefully others feel the same.

      /me candidate for Minister of Science, "I approve of this message"
      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


      • #4
        Brave Brave Sir Sparrow! THank you for stepping forth in this time of need.

        Who else now shall heed the call to be part of the next government? Who will pass up the opportunity to give Cavebear orders on what to do in some specific subject?

        Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
        Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
        Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
        Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


        • #5
          Ah Sir Sparrowhawk... still jealously guarding those secret ways of determining exactly which techs we can get next....

          I can do andy/all of Trade, FAM, Military and even City Planner if no-one else steps forward. This would essentially just be a placeholder for if there is something to do in them.

          Or, if we get other takers, how about a challenge for the leadership, cavebear?

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            Being a full week since the nominations thread was posted, we will go with what we've got. I'll post an election poll now.

            Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
            Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
            Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
            Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


            • #7
              Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
              Ah Sir Sparrowhawk... still jealously guarding those secret ways of determining exactly which techs we can get next....
              If anyone is interested, the program I use to determine next tech (it is a simple DOS program that I think I got on Apolyton) is attached.
              Attached Files
              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge

