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Animation in Avatar acting strange?

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  • Animation in Avatar acting strange?

    I searched through previous "avatar" posts and didn't see anyone ask/notice this before, so I hope this hasn't been answered.

    I got my avatar up and with animation, but I noticed that sometimes when I load a page it seems to start on the 2nd/3rd/4th etc. frame, which kind of messes up the point of my avatar. Does anyone know why this might be?

    If I could, I would make the fist 30 frames the same...
    Last edited by badams52; April 2, 2003, 23:11.

  • #2
    You can set the frame lengths for each frame, so if you wanted to set the 1st frame to have a longer delay you could do that.


    • #3
      unfortunately, that's not the problem. I first set the delay on the first frame to 180 seconds. But sometimes the avatar starts on frame #2 which begins the quick animation sequence, sometimes on frame #3, etc.

      in my second attempt, I set the delay of the first frame to 90, duplicated it in the second and set it to 90, but then sometimes the animation starts on frame 3 or 4. I don't get it.

      Won't happen the first time I load a page I've posted in, but in subsequent page loads it does.


      • #4
        Does the animation loop through? If so it's not a big deal.


        • #5
          Yeah, it loops through, just wanted to have a long delay before the animation. I wanted a subtle custom avatar that most people wouldn't notice. Oh well.


          • #6
            Ah. I had a blinking avatar once that caused many people to think they were hallucinating, made with one extremely long frame (10 seconds or so) and a couple short frames.


            • #7
              Damn that blinking avatar...
              Talent Optional


              • #8
                It served it's purpose.


                • #9
                  What browser are you using Badams? I get sporadic animation problems in Opera.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DrSpike
                    What browser are you using Badams? I get sporadic animation problems in Opera.
                    Yeah, me too. The displaying of animated gifs seems a little erratic in Opera, which is a little annoying at times.

                    Sometimes the animated smilies don't loop, either, or get stuck on Frame 1.
                    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                    • #11
                      I posted to tell Skanky I'd spotted him mucking about with the speed of his avatar animation. But since it has never happened apart from in opera I'm a little unsure now.


                      • #12
                        I'm having the same problem in Opera. Some of the smilies are not animated as they should be, or their animation is in slow motion (like this one: )
                        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                        • #13
                          My avatar probably looks different in opera and ie, but I hate ie. Currently, I'm using Nutscape 7.02. (decided not to fix the typo )

                          [edit: just tested IE for a bit, and my avatar seems to work as advertised ]

                          What does my avatar look like in opera? You probably won't notice the animation if opera is that slow, then the 3 minute delay setting would seem like forever. But if you opened a second window, then a might actually get to start on the 3rd frame where the animation actually starts.

                          It's just strange to me how these browsers interpret animated gifs. Maybe it's in the caching.

                          Oh, and when i was using a mac's IE (sometimes I have to use macs at schools if I want to enjoy apolyton), there is no animation at all. Makes the site quite interesting.
                          Last edited by badams52; April 3, 2003, 11:41.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ixnay
                            Ah. I had a blinking avatar once that caused many people to think they were hallucinating, made with one extremely long frame (10 seconds or so) and a couple short frames.
                            sorry I missed that one. I'm sure you got lots of feedback from people you didn't know.

                            Kind of like the effect I was going for. Maybe they're spending a long time on a particular thread, like an AAR thread, and then out of the corner of their eye notice something strange with my avatar. They're not sure what they saw, but they saw some kind of movement. Then if they wanted to actually see it happen again, they'd have to wait another 3 minutes or so for the cycle to repeat.

                            But if they were computer savy, they could just download it and open the animated gif in a program that allows one to edit them...


                            • #15
                              Which is what I did...

                              Excellent avatar

