Since the Apolyton Search doesn't work, and I was trying to find a person's post so I could see a new sig, this is what I did:
(1) Go to
(2) Type in as your search:
(3) Click on the most relevant result!!!
I don't think it works so well for more specific stuff but I was able to find one of the guy's posts.
Let's see how long each one takes.
Let's try to find one of Frozzy's posts using the Apolyton Search.
(1) Start Time, New Window for Search page
(2) Type "Frozzy" (w/o quotes) in "Search By User Name" space
(3) Hit Perform Search
(4) Click on Result
(5) Result Loaded
(6) Ctrl-F User's Nick Until Post is Found, Stop Time.
That one took 3 min, 40sec.
Now let's find a post of Frozzy's using Google:
(1) Start Time, New Window (doesn't matter for what as you will be Stopping it)
(2) Stop Loading New Window
(3) Go to
(4) Search for:
w/o quotes
(5) Click Result
(6) Result Loaded
(7) Ctrl-F User's Nick Until Post is Found, Stop Time.
That one took 1 min, 50sec.
In both instances the very first result was clicked, that created an additional delay on the Google side becuase a forum page opened instead of a thread page. Still, Google won out by a long shot.
As I research this more, I'll try to figure out whether Google can be tweaked to get to exact posts, etc.
(Markos, you can finally pitch the Search function once and for all.
(1) Go to
(2) Type in as your search:
(3) Click on the most relevant result!!!

I don't think it works so well for more specific stuff but I was able to find one of the guy's posts.
Let's see how long each one takes.
Let's try to find one of Frozzy's posts using the Apolyton Search.
(1) Start Time, New Window for Search page
(2) Type "Frozzy" (w/o quotes) in "Search By User Name" space
(3) Hit Perform Search
(4) Click on Result
(5) Result Loaded
(6) Ctrl-F User's Nick Until Post is Found, Stop Time.
That one took 3 min, 40sec.
Now let's find a post of Frozzy's using Google:
(1) Start Time, New Window (doesn't matter for what as you will be Stopping it)
(2) Stop Loading New Window
(3) Go to
(4) Search for:
w/o quotes
(5) Click Result
(6) Result Loaded
(7) Ctrl-F User's Nick Until Post is Found, Stop Time.
That one took 1 min, 50sec.
In both instances the very first result was clicked, that created an additional delay on the Google side becuase a forum page opened instead of a thread page. Still, Google won out by a long shot.
As I research this more, I'll try to figure out whether Google can be tweaked to get to exact posts, etc.
(Markos, you can finally pitch the Search function once and for all.
