Just suppose that I was using a computer and had my options set so that I was logged in automatically to Apolyton. This computer is now in the hands of an unsavoury character. If I change my password will that make it so I am no longer logged in automatically on that computer, or am I doomed to have said unsavoury character masquarading as me?
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From my understanding of how the site works with cookies, changing the password on another computer will make it so that other computer cannot log in without also changing the password.
The question would be changing the settings from logging in automatically standard on another computer, would that keep another computer from logging in automatically? From my understanding, that would not, since the cookie stored on that other computer still has your password and the preference to log in automatically. It would log in before it ever knew not to.
So my suggestion from my understanding is to change your password. But I may be totally wrong about the facts/situation or how cookies are being used on this site.About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.
I used to use and post with the unsavoury characters computer. Before I realised they were unsavoury.So they are in possession of the automatically logged in machine.
I have now changed my password and set it to not log in automatically on my comp.Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.