Apolyton has now over 4000 news items! To be exact, we have 4005(4006 with this one) items in our news database. As this system was created in Dec. 1999, we might have actually surpassed even the 5000 mark, but that we will probably never know.
In celebration, our news archive area has been enhanced with a page linking to the yearly reviews of the most important news, that we do on our birthday features.
Finally, here's a small gift from the past: the "Eye" of "Sid's Next Big Game" that we are watching evolve back in December 1999....
In celebration, our news archive area has been enhanced with a page linking to the yearly reviews of the most important news, that we do on our birthday features.
Finally, here's a small gift from the past: the "Eye" of "Sid's Next Big Game" that we are watching evolve back in December 1999....