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  • Justification

    Any chance of formatting thread text so that text is fully justified? I only just noticed it, and it looks kind of messy when blocks of text don't span evenly. Amazing what you notice after you've had a few.
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.

  • #2
    That could be done with the attribute align="justify", but IMO it wouldn't enhance readability. Text being left-aligned is fine for me.


    • #3
      I prefer to read left aligned text. Something to do with the even letter spacing.
      What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


      • #4
        <align="justify">This is a test to see if Lucilla's advice is correct</align>

        There, did that work?

        But Echinda- when you save documents- the left align messes everything up; if everything is justified- the alignments don't change on the conversion to a saved file from the net
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        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #5
          Originally posted by DarkCloud
          <align="justify">This is a test to see if Lucilla's advice is correct</align>

          There, did that work?
          <div align="justify">DarkCloud,
          align is an attribute, not a tag, so you have to put it into a div or td tag to get it to work. And of course you need some more text that expands over multiple lines to see the effect. For that reason I'll go on writing some stuff and hope that it works. I never used the justify attribute before, so this is my first test, too. I looked it up in a HTML reference. This should be enough text for the demonstration, so I'll give it a try. </div>


          • #6
            So what you have to do to get your text justified:

            Place a &lt;div align="justify"&gt; at the beginning of your text and a &lt;/div&gt; at the end, that will do the trick.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DarkCloud
              But Echinda- when you save documents- the left align messes everything up; if everything is justified- the alignments don't change on the conversion to a saved file from the net
              I don't follow. Are you saying that when you copy from 'Poly it messes up the text? I just did a test and copied a bunch of text to a word doc. They didn't have hard returns at the end of each line. Is that even the problem you're referring to?
              What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

