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Errors from ads

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  • Errors from ads

    Does anyone else get errors when they change pages? I constantly do. My laptop has MS Debugger on it (which I can't get rid of because it is a work computer and I don't have the necessary rights) so about 25 - 35% of the time when I link to a new page I get a pop up window asking me if I want to start the debugger due to an error being detected on the page. I then have to answer "no" to move on. I know it is the ads causing the issue because when the page completes after an error there is always an ad missing.

    Am i alone or does this happen to anyone else? This is the only site I regularly visit that this happens on.
    What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

  • #2
    I assume you mean JavaScript errors, telling you that a ")" is missing somewhere (or a similar message)?
    I have that quite frequently on Apolyton as well, and I don't know why it's happening. When you reload, it's usually ok.
    To get rid of the message, you have to disable script debugging in the explorer (tools > internet options > advanced > disable script debugging). I usually leave it on because it's usefull for debugging JavaScript errors during development. But if you don't program websites yourself, it doesn't hurt to turn it off.


    • #3
      Thanks for the help, but nope, that isn't it. I already had script debugging disabled. What happens is a window pops up that has a heading something like "Run-time error" and the text says "A run-time error has been detected. Would you like to start the debugger? Yes/No" If you click "Yes" some sort of MS debugger program launches (which sucks, because exiting the debugger also closes internet explorer). If you click "no" the page loads as normal with the offending ad missing.
      What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


      • #4
        What IE version are you using?


        • #5
          v. 5.50.(a bunch of other numbers)

          Apparently the firm is in the process of rolling out a more recent version, but all our software is pushed across the network in small batches for bandwidth reasons so it may be a few weeks before they get to me.
          What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


          • #6
            Ok, I've had my experiences with 5.5, too. It's a rather crappy version of the IE in my opinion, because it treats errors on html pages or in the JavaScript differently from 5.0 or 6.0.
            During development we always test our pages in 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 and you sometimes get amazing differences in behaviour/fault tolerance. So getting a newer version is a good option and might solve your problem.
            I have 5.5 at work and had no problems so far browsing Poly, but then I'm not really supposed to visit the forums during work hours.... So I can't test, really.


            • #7
              Who me? Look at forums while at work? Not me. No sir. I would never do anything like that.
              What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


              • #8
                I didn't say that I never do it....
                BTW, why are the monotremes mispelled?


                • #9
                  When I registered my username I mispelled "Echidna" as "Echinda". Someone pointed out to me that I was wrong, and then I said something about them being birds, and then it was pointed out to me that I was wrong again and that they were actually "monotreme mammals". With tail between my legs I changed my location to "of the Mispelled Monotreme Mammals" as a little reminder to myself about the dangers of assuming I know more than everyone around me.

                  Oh yeah, the message just came up again. It also contains "Error: 3" and on the next line "')' expected".
                  What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


                  • #10
                    So then it is the same JavaScript error that I get. There's an option just underneath "Disable script debugging", saying "Display a notification about every script error". That will get rid of the pop up. You will then only see a yellow warning sign in the left bottom corner saying something like "done, but with errors on page", but you then don't have to acknowlegde it every time.

                    Again off topic: Echidna is not only a monotreme but actually also a fish (Muraenidae, sorry, don't know the English name). I was a biologist in my former live, so I still have these books lying around here. Ages ago that I had a look at them. At least they served some purpose today


                    • #11
                      I wonder if i have to change my location again?

                      As for the error message - "Display a notification about every script error" was already off. But I noticed that "Display friendly HTTP errors" was on so I disabled that one. Let me know if that was a bad idea.
                      What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


                      • #12
                        No, your location is fine Your username is Echinda, not Echidna and I bet you had neither of the mentioned animals in mind when you created your name

                        AFAIK, "Show friendly HTTP errors messages" just tells the browser that it should display the error screen from the server if available, not the default one that comes with the browser, if there has been an error on the server. I might be wrong on that one, though. But I'm sure it has only to do with server errors.
                        The error you have is in the browser, which is on client side.

                        Other than disabling the two options already mentioned, I don't know what else to do

