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page tweak requests for Markos....(and Dan!)

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  • #31

    1. Almost no other sites give me this problem. I can't recall one. (Yes I'm sure there must be some...but I don't see them.)

    2. Are you on a laptop.

    3. have you looked at the screenshot called bottom right (or even bottom left). You will see what I mean about the forum jump and quick reply box having a different justification than the poster text box, which fits fine.


    • #32
      Ok, with small fonts selected in my control panel I don't get this problem any more.

      And the right side of the forum jump and quick reply and poster text box, all line up.

      What is wierd is that the box that I type quick reply in is much smaller than in large font. I suspect this still means there is something different in the coding for the poster text box and the forum jump/quick reply boxes. (In how they are affected by large font.


      • #33
        new screenshot
        Attached Files


        • #34
          What is wierd is that the box that I type quick reply in is much smaller than in large font. I suspect this still means there is something different in the coding for the poster text box and the forum jump/quick reply boxes.
          nothing wierd about it. text area boxes are defined by how my actual characters will be shown. it's not "make a 400 pixels wide text area". if you use large fonts, you'll have bigger text areas
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • #35
            Did you change something.

            things are better now...


            • #36
              Why don't you set this quick-reply text box at a
              percentage value, rather than a fixed number of
              characters? That way it won't stuff up displays like it
              does on GP's laptop, and people with larger monitors
              can view what they write without as many line-wraps
              as I've had here.

              Just a suggestion.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

