When I use Chat at work (!!!
!!!) it's quick, easy, and functional. (NT4 environment, use both Netscape and IE)
I tried it at home Sunday night at was mightily bummed. Instead of the running converstion thread, I could only view the most recent entry. The only time I could see more than one comment was when we hit Enter in the same refresh cycle. Needless to say, it was a drag.
My home environment -- AOL (5.0?) for Mac, MacOS 9.1.
Any thoughts on why this difference?

I tried it at home Sunday night at was mightily bummed. Instead of the running converstion thread, I could only view the most recent entry. The only time I could see more than one comment was when we hit Enter in the same refresh cycle. Needless to say, it was a drag.
My home environment -- AOL (5.0?) for Mac, MacOS 9.1.
Any thoughts on why this difference?