I see that you have added popups to all links created with the [ url ] vb code.
I've no problem with that, but do you mean to force people to se popups when following links to threads on the forum or other apolyton pages?
Also there is a problem with the way you have made it since soem people still uses SETTLER's IP to get here, and then should have a /~admin1 before the /go.php.
This is just my reflection. I've already recived one email about a page generating 404 error due to that cant be found.
I've no problem with that, but do you mean to force people to se popups when following links to threads on the forum or other apolyton pages?
Also there is a problem with the way you have made it since soem people still uses SETTLER's IP to get here, and then should have a /~admin1 before the /go.php.
This is just my reflection. I've already recived one email about a page generating 404 error due to that cant be found.