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The FAQ is quite interesting

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  • #61
    hey whining wins the day as usual

    Remember kids all you have to do is keep whining and you can have your way.

    There used to be a day when people were ashamed to act like babies. But no more.

    Note: I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'll leave that for you to decide.

    next thing posters will be complaining about my avatar because it has guns in it.


    • #62
      I'm deeply offended by Dissident's avatar. I find the tight pants that the cartoon is wearing to be sexually sugestive, and hugely offencive.

      In addition, I won't even talk about the phallic symbols that the character is holding in his hands

      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • #63
        AJ Corp-

        I hope you realize that it isn't just a religious objection (In my case It isn't religious at all [note: I've been told I've been going to hell by one fanatic ])
        However, there is the notion of decency.

        I have mentioned before that I have no problem if he uses those words in a context inside a message.
        But the fact that I have to look at them to see them does annoy me.


        I have no idea what the picture was about, but from what I hear the picture did not seem insulting, however the location field was.
        However, I asked you to consider it and you did. Thank you for doing so. But my protest remains.

        I understand, I know what he wrote isn't morally bad- but some people, such as I consider it mildly offensive. And I don't want to see it ever time I read his poss.
        And Yes, I would like to see his posts and not ignore.
        But I understand you and will allow the issue to drop.

        Another issue- why don't we uncensor USA's Vice President **** Cheney, it means the same thing as his profile? And anyways, it IS a name.

        "Free **** from the Lockbox!"

        A DL? Why would you accuse me of such a thing here. Just because I disagree with you?
        Oh well. I may suspect myself if such a matter occurred, but If I really wanted, I bet I could easily get away with a DL
        -It's called "Library Access" The same reason why I worry of censoring.
        I don't want this site locked out of the censoring mechanism!

        Well, I finally see that Zylka has changed his profile.
        I would like to thank him.
        Zylka seems very socially-conscious, at least when alerted of problems... I have new respect for him! [I did find his 95 treasties fairly interesting ]
        Last edited by DarkCloud; March 28, 2002, 21:52.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #64
          Originally posted by DarkCloud
          but If I really wanted, I bet I could easily get away with a DL
          It's called "Library Access" The same reason why I worry of censoring.
          Anybody with the proper resourses and half a brain (not aimed at you) can come up with a DL we can't track. When that happens, we can only hope that they are TOO obvious, or make a mistake
          And sorry for even bringing that up. I saw your post, and thought that it came out of nowhere (I looked through the entire thread and missed your earlier post)...
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #65
            I'm not smart enough to have a DL. At least not without AOL. 5 (not 7) screen names, was an amazing feature . I suppose I could go through the trouble or creating a DL now, but why bother? I only did it before because it was so easy.

            But I have learned my lesson. The mods have spanked me for being bad.

