The game is a simple strategy where the goal is to surround the dots of your opponent. However, while the basic rules are simple there is a lot of place to mastery and the games proves to be very fun, give it a try .
People that want to help me to test the game should like turn based strategy games (Though it shouldn't be a problem on Apolyton).
The game is pure multiplayer and as such needs another player to play with, in this case me. If you'd like to be a beta player, communicate me using one of the following instant messangers:
ICQ: 1912453
AIM: VitalyB1984
Yahoo!: VitalyBe
Here is a screenshot of what the game looks like in a short and sad game (for Scoot at least):
I'll be happy if you give it a try.
People that want to help me to test the game should like turn based strategy games (Though it shouldn't be a problem on Apolyton).
The game is pure multiplayer and as such needs another player to play with, in this case me. If you'd like to be a beta player, communicate me using one of the following instant messangers:
ICQ: 1912453
AIM: VitalyB1984
Yahoo!: VitalyBe
Here is a screenshot of what the game looks like in a short and sad game (for Scoot at least):
I'll be happy if you give it a try.