Originally posted by BustaMike
6. Bull**** AI favoritism - I admit the AI is way smarter in Civ3, but in civ all the AI's seem to team up against you from the beginning, not to mention the AI's hatred for the human player screws other features of the game. The trading of resources and luxuries is a really cool idea, but as I've seen posted numerous times the AI will only be happy with a trade along the lines of "my saltpeter and iron and money for your gems". That's a terrible deal but the AI won't accept any other. On the other hand the AI opponents will make very generous deals with each other. IMO, this is a bunch of crap and really ruins the game for me anyway. There are 2 solutions for this, make the AI a little nicer (or at least certain civs) and/or release multiplayer. At least I could make a fair trade with another person.
6. Bull**** AI favoritism - I admit the AI is way smarter in Civ3, but in civ all the AI's seem to team up against you from the beginning, not to mention the AI's hatred for the human player screws other features of the game. The trading of resources and luxuries is a really cool idea, but as I've seen posted numerous times the AI will only be happy with a trade along the lines of "my saltpeter and iron and money for your gems". That's a terrible deal but the AI won't accept any other. On the other hand the AI opponents will make very generous deals with each other. IMO, this is a bunch of crap and really ruins the game for me anyway. There are 2 solutions for this, make the AI a little nicer (or at least certain civs) and/or release multiplayer. At least I could make a fair trade with another person.
I've often traded 1 of my resources for 2 AI resources. Hey! Come to think of it, my 1 resource (tech, strategic or luxury) for an AI resource + money/turn is by far the most common trade I make... and I'm playing on Emperor and Deity level.
Does the AI make "fair" deals? One for one, everyone pays the same price? No way.... but that's exactly the way I behave in trading games. (And I usually win, too.)
The AI is certainly very, very _willing_ to trade. If they're all trading every other turn and you're not then _of course_ it's going to seem like they're "favoring" each other. You just have to jump in there and trade as much as they do.
I've also never seen the AI's all team up against me before I'd expect human players to do the same.