As one picks through the threads on the various forums dedicated to the Civilization games, one can find a great deal af rancor and venom concerning the release of Civilization III. These posts instantly trigger a response from those who appear to believe its the greatest game of all time. That, in turn, generates attacks from those who hate the game and can't understand the fanatical attitude of the fanboys. I have some insights that may explain it.
Why is Civ III even selling if its such a bad game? Unfortunately, it happens to be the only TBS game in town. The fervor of the fanboys to defend the game can possibly be attributed to the belief that if Civ III doesn't sell, the Civ line will die and the Turn-Based Strategy game market will die with it.
The question is, are they right? Will all of the negative posts about the game kill any chance of a sequel? Will we be doomed to a string of patches that don't really solve the fundamental flaws of the game? Does one really attract more flies with honey rather than vinegar?
Ever since the misnamed Real-Time Strategy games started coming out, there has been a dearth of decent empire-bulding TBS games. Look what happened to the famed Empire line. Sequels to Master of Magic and Conquest of the New World have yet to be released.
BTW - There is no such thing as a "Real-Time" Strategy game, The correct term would be Real-Time Tactical Simulation game. Strategy would imply long-term goals. I have yet to see an "RTS" that involves anything more than Tactical responses and reactions to the actions of the A.I.
So, what is to be done to revive the TBS game market?
Why is Civ III even selling if its such a bad game? Unfortunately, it happens to be the only TBS game in town. The fervor of the fanboys to defend the game can possibly be attributed to the belief that if Civ III doesn't sell, the Civ line will die and the Turn-Based Strategy game market will die with it.
The question is, are they right? Will all of the negative posts about the game kill any chance of a sequel? Will we be doomed to a string of patches that don't really solve the fundamental flaws of the game? Does one really attract more flies with honey rather than vinegar?
Ever since the misnamed Real-Time Strategy games started coming out, there has been a dearth of decent empire-bulding TBS games. Look what happened to the famed Empire line. Sequels to Master of Magic and Conquest of the New World have yet to be released.
BTW - There is no such thing as a "Real-Time" Strategy game, The correct term would be Real-Time Tactical Simulation game. Strategy would imply long-term goals. I have yet to see an "RTS" that involves anything more than Tactical responses and reactions to the actions of the A.I.
So, what is to be done to revive the TBS game market?