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Civ 3 is better than CTP........

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  • Civ 3 is better than CTP........

    I loaded my copy of CTP to see the differences between it and
    Civ 3..........CTP had an extremely KLUNKY interface that was more
    work than play, while Civ 3's interface was easy to play with...

    But there are several problems with Civ 3......

    1.) the infamous Spearmen killing battleships....EVERYONE
    complains about it from PC GAMER to my friends.......

    2.) Helicopters aren't allowed to base from Aircraft Carriers,
    allowing you to simulate USMC Amphibious Assault ships
    like the USS Pelilieu......

    3.) Air Units aren't allowed to hit anything beyond 8 squares....
    B-2s right now are hitting targets in Afghanistan flying from

    3.) Submarines need to be boosted to be a real threat to

    4.) AEGIS cruisers need to be allowed to carry tactical nukes or
    cruise missiles to represent the VLS systems currently installed
    in them...

    5.) A new level of irrigation is needed, remember what happened
    when you discovered refrigeration in Civ2?

    Anyone else have any comments?

  • #2
    they both suck...combine civ smac ctp and you have the ideals for a great game
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #3
      I liked the idea of Civ2's farmland to get more food from irrigated square. Now I have to build a railroad to irrigated tile to get an extra food like at Civ1.

      I really hate it now where I must railroad every tile at city radius(except forests that doesn't give any extra bonus if railroaded).


      • #4
        Agreed. The SuperMarket & Stock Exchange should have NEVER been taken out... the player should have <b>more</b> options as to what to build... not less. Hopefully the patch will revive these classics.

        I also don't like the idea of the spaghetti railroads being *required* to flood EVERY city square... farmland looked much better. I was never a fan of how farmland looked... until I saw these spaghetti railroads swamp the scene.


        • #5
          yeah the games an upgrade yet we have less options...and units and improvements..... how lame
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

