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    <A href="/misc/column/196_car.shtml" target="_top">196# WHAT MAKES A GOOD CAR</a>
    <i>Not exactly a "if civ3 was a car" comparison</i>

    By Howling Chip
    Last edited by MarkG; November 26, 2001, 20:03.
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

  • #2
    I am astonished that nobody has replied to this column yet. probably because it's not in Civ3 forum. Why that is, I don't know.

    I'm not sure how to respond to this. It is obviously thought out on a day when the writer was getting tired of the endless flame wars on the civ3 forums. I agree with most of it. yet I am sort of blah about the subject. when the flame wars get to much for me, I head for the Other Games forum. O r log off and play a game. Civ3 of course.

    I can plug my "fatherbeast's review of Civ3" here, can't I?

    if you want to know, I love it. Civ3 that is.
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


    • #3
      CIVIII A Car??

      Hello All,
      I am surprised at all the put downs and Flames about CIVIII, even when most ppl had not played the game???
      I have played the game, start to finish and start again. This is a step forward in the CIV world of games. The reasons are so numerous to mention! and those who have played the game will know what I mean.
      Another basic fact that has slipped the minds of those who claim CIVII is better. Look at all the wonderful Mod packs we can add to CIVII...and just think for a few seconds at what our good friends at Apolyton will do with CIVII.
      Personally I cannot wait.....GREAT GAME!! And what a platform for you guys to give us wonderful sen.

      By TartenTerror


      • #4
        i don't think the game is wortthy of the civ series title......

        i like some concepts but think that many are implemented poorly

        i feel as though they have taken steps backwards and not forwards....

        and to release a game without mp capabilities in this era is just
        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


        • #5
          Hi all,

          The comments in the News Letter are well made. Personally, I think the game is great. Yes it is let down by a couple of bugs/game issues, but as the man said, the game means different things to different people.

          I think that most people who like to flame need to remember this. When some people express their opinion it presents an opportunity to exchange views. Flamers are either devoid of any of their own opinions (you notice flamers never seem to start their own threads!) or they just like to annoy people. Flamers just need to be ignored.

          I enjoy discussing game issues with people, especially when people have conflicting opinions. A flame is a posting from someone who does not have the vocabulary necessary to compose their own replies.

          Rant over.



          • #6
            i figure a flame is more directed at an individual..... arguing as to whether or not the game is good/bad is a debate...when it becomes personal then its a flame...

            i could be wrong but this is how i take flames in general
            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


            • #7
              Not always War4Ever.

              I spend a little time on other news groups/forums and, you're right, sometimes flames are personal. Myself, I never take them personally because the flamer does not know me, so I never care what they think when they get personal, so I ignore them.

              Some flames are general though, and they are the ones that seem to cause the problems in boards. Usually, they're of the "Everyone here is an .........." ilk.

              I see what you mean though. Debates/discussions are of a civil nature that could turn into a flame war when it gets nasty.

              I've just noticed you're earlier post about the realease of the game without MP. Again this is a personal opinion, but MP is not important for me. Until the UK get's the whole internet connection cost stuff sorted out, I'm not going to spend much time in MP. Also, there is too much difference in peoples machines and connection speeds for it to be worthwhile.

              The only game I ever really played online was Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast, because everyone had the same machine and connection. Met some good people playing that game.

              Also, I feel Civ 3 is a non-step. More like the Championship Manager biennial updates. Still, a patch will improve the game no end, so I would say that it has the potential to be a big leap forward. However, It should've been that to begin with though.


              • #8
                AWESOME column!
                Thank you!
                And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral

