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Markos, get rid of the Banana Boat Song MP3

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Osweld

    I think Rasbelin is just going a bit nuts over the topic...
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


    • #17
      Originally posted by Osweld

      And since nobody else heard music in that thread (or anywhere else, as far as I know)
      So I assume I just heard my neighbors playing an old LP?
      "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


      • #18
        Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
        Has anyone thought to check the source code and see who typed the URL for the song into their post?Would that work?
        Dan mentioned the that you should post the details (technical, not commercial) of the 2 upper corner banners seen on the page where the Banana Boat Song appears. The song appeared for me in KrazyHorse's thread, but now it doesn't seem load anymore. I assume Dan may have some knowledge how to bust the one behind this weird music.
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


        • #19
          Sheesh! How many times do I have to tell you?

          I put that music in krazyhorse's thread as a joke, and edited out because it seemed to annoy you so much. I have no idea about hearing it in other threads, though.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #20
            Can you tell us how did you do it?
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #21
              Ah, so it is not related to any banner ads at all -- disregard my previous recommendation in that case.

              Dan; Apolyton CS
              PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
              >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


              • #22
                Originally posted by Osweld
                Sheesh! How many times do I have to tell you?
                Once was enough. I was referring to the original thread where it was bugging people.
                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                • #23
                  So... 5 minutes finding, then reading the thread, and unless anyone was really quick off the mark with their editing, the only person who posted before Eli started his thread and then edited after Eli posted his thread was Assur.

                  Mystery solved. Don't do it again
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #24
                    ==i wonb't do it agion

                    I deleted it when I saw KH saying it crashed is computer

                    btw, i leartned it from Osweld

                    he embedded the startrek enterpirse theme song
                    In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                    In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt

