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    Mark -

    Do you know what a moderator does? He moderates.

    Do you know what a commentator does? He comments.

    You've clearly lost the line between the two. I mistakenly posted in the Strategy forum instead of the General - and rather than simply close the thread or move it with an off topic remark, we also get your COMMENTARY on me, personally:

    venger, you're becoming tiring and posting in the wrong place as well....

    So be it. You tired Mark? Give up the modertor gavel - moderators cannot get tired of listening to viewpoints they just don't like. You don't get tired of posts - just posts that rattle YOUR world view. Apparently these forums are not for critiquing, or using your head, rather there for gladhanding and other mindnumbing fawning that you seem to find acceptable.

    Want to make a comment about Civ3 or my arguments or positions? Make them. Want to comment on me personally? Step down from your moderator platform.


  • #2
    how did you get the 1969 regd date venger?


    • #3
      Internet forums aren't democracies, they are dictatorships. You'll just have to live with the wrath of markos.
      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

      Do It Ourselves


      • #4
        1) so far people have allowed me to use my own site as just another civer. i'm sorry if you dont find it acceptable
        2) that wasnt a personal comment. that was my justification for closing your thread. moderating doesnt just mean moving threads to the right forum. it also means maintaining an interesting forum experience. yet another rant due to a result of the civ3 combat system is far from interesting....
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #5
          Originally posted by MarkG
          1) so far people have allowed me to use my own site as just another civer. i'm sorry if you dont find it acceptable
          I don't find your commentary of an ad hominem nature acceptable. Your the moderator and should not be remotely involved in such things.

          2) that wasnt a personal comment.
          What type of comment was it?

          that was my justification for closing your thread. moderating doesnt just mean moving threads to the right forum. it also means maintaining an interesting forum experience.
          Oh PLEASE. You let AH post the most rambling nonsensical crap EVERYWHERE, why, because you think it's interesting? Better interesting and banal than factual and topical I guess...

          yet another rant due to a result of the civ3 combat system is far from interesting....
          As opposed to pure crap like "Does Civ3 need more sex appeal..." You leave THAT in Civ3-General and want to get rid of "yet another rant"? Apparently you're aiming for a pretty lowbrow crowd.

          Have fun with your toy board then... wouldn't want anyone to point out that Civ3 isn't wearing any clothes and affect your banner ad revenue...



          • #6
            Venger...threads complaining about moderation are quite passe. Be a man. Take your punishment. (This would help in the game too...)


            • #7
              i meant DECEMBER 1969 date. although I think this post will also be ignored


              • #8
                Oh...and Venger. I'm not jerking your chain. You really will enjoy the board more if you just take the moderation in stride. FYI: I had a thread locked today...and I'm not *****ing...


                • #9
                  Find something better to do with your time, venger. Mark is most certainly allowed to be involved in civ discussions. This site wouldn't be the same if he just worked in the background.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by smellymummy
                    i meant DECEMBER 1969 date. although I think this post will also be ignored
                    People who were members of Apolyton from the very start were given that joined date due to a bug in the software, or something similar.
                    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                    • #11
                      Hey the moderators provide a [relatively] FREE service for ME. They keep it [somewhat] tidy so when I show up and I only have like 5 minutes, I can just check the first couple of pages on a couple of select boards. I would NOT come here if every topic had two thousand threads associated with it.

                      HOWEVER, Mark closed a thread of mine once...

                      revenge is a dish best served cold.
                      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                      • #12
                        If Markos has time reply this thread, why doesn't he have time or will to read my column contribution or reply finally to my e-mail that I sent him 1 week ago?

                        Lazy berk!
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Venger. Don't know what you are beefing about.
                            Mark banned me for years and gave me no reason.

                            I just accepted it and went to Civfanatics.

                            Now for some equally unknown reason, I can suddenly post again.
                            " There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rasbelin
                              If Markos has time reply this thread, why doesn't he have time or will to read my column contribution or reply finally to my e-mail that I sent him 1 week ago?

                              Lazy berk!

                              Ten to one odds are you either just added another week or two of "wait" time or maybe even a "delete upon arrival" with that contribution.

                              "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                              "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius

